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Three months ago...

"Ah man. I can't wait to eat."

Two men walk along the shore of the beach. They have guns strapped across their backs and have donned their military uniforms. They've been on patrol for hours now and it's almost time for their shift to end.

The blond looks bored and doesn't care much for his job. He comes from a wealthy family and isn't used to manual labor of any sort. However, the man with the pink hair adores his position. It was always his dream to become a marine and serve to protect citizens from harm.

"I wish we had the morning watch instead, Coby." The blond complains.

"I don't mind which we get. As long as I get to be out here and protect citizens, I'm all right." Coby replies with a small smile.

The blond rolls his eyes at Coby. Both clearly have different mindsets. Coby ignores him and continues to keep watch of their surroundings.

He freezes when he catches sight of a small boat, wrecked by a storm. He quickly unslings his gun from his back as the blond keeps ranting about all the work they have to do. Coby shoots him a glare and gestures silently to the small vessel. The blond's eyes widen and he quickly quiets, following Coby from behind.

Coby steadily approaches the boat, weary of the small thing. He doesn't know if there's anyone still inside it. It could be an enemy or a fisherman who simply went out to sea on the wrong day. Whatever the case may be, Coby was not taking any chances.

A soft cry comes from inside the boat. Coby and his companion stiffen and glance at each other in worry. Who could it be?

Coby clears his throat authoritatively. "To whomever it may be inside the boat, get out with your hands raised."

The blond angles his gun, pointing it at the boat cautiously. His fingers are shaking a bit, but he holds firm.

The boat creaks as a figure slowly lifts itself out of the vessel, shaking arms raised. In the dark of the night, it's impossible to see any physical features. Coby narrows his eyes.

"Keep your hands up and walk forward slowly," he commands in a slow voice.

The person obeys and upon closer inspection Coby sees that the build looks feminine. She appears to be shaking as if she's crying. This softens his companion's stance.

"Ha, it's a poor girl." The blond says sympathetically and begins to lower his weapon. "We should help her."

"No, wait—," Coby calls out, but it's too late.

The second the gun lowers, the girl darts in the direction of the forest, sprinting full force. Coby lets out a yelp and starts after her.

The girl is fast, easily making her through the tangle of bushes and deftly jumping over gnarled roots. Coby does his best to keep up, but he's still too far behind.

He quickly glances up, eying the tree branches. He makes a split second decision and starts climbing while his friend continues to chase on foot. Coby lifts himself into the bushes and jumps from branch to branch, remembering his training.

He keeps his eyes on the lone girl running as fast as she can. His brows furrow as she sprints aimlessly, moving in a zig zagging pattern. He watches her closely. A small smile lights his face as he figures out where she'll be next.

He moves through the trees silently, cutting in a different direction from the girl. Her running pattern will eventually lead her where he is. Coby waits expectantly and eventually the girl comes into view.

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