part 1

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Blood  was everywhere and there  was my  father  lying dawn  there   it  was terrible.  I tried  to wake him  up I tried  to  save  him but it  was too  late  ... there  was his wife   standing  behind  me   looking  at me like   I killed  him  .... I still  remmeber  that look  of fear  in her eyes  when  I tried  to say somthing  she hurried  and locked  me with  my dad's  body  and called  the police  ... I couldn't  talk .. I couldn't defend  myself. ..  I spent  a  year  in a mental  centre  ... and now  am  living  with my mom  ...   my mom wasn't  as any other  mom. .. instead  of helping  me  and  trying  to consolat  me.... she keeps being  cruel  to me more  than  she ever  been  ... I can   feel  how she feel  ashamed   and embarrassed. .. I can  feel  her every  night  locking   the door   of her room  in order  to stay  safe  from me .. her daughter  ... that  might  kill  her the same  as she did  to her father  ..  every  single  night  ... I still  feel  her  locking  the door  of my room  every  time   her friends  come to visit  cause  she is  afraid  that I might  attack  them  ... even  my friends   dumbed  me  cause  am  too  dangerous  to them  .... no one ever  tried  to   know  what happened  that  day...,   and it hurts  ... it hurts   that  every  day when  I come  home    i find  my mom  drunk  . And when  she sees  me she says 

MOM:  looked at  you .. did  you  killed  anyone today  ... huh...I guess  it wasn't  enough  for you  being  fat and ugly  so you added  a killer  ... you are  .. and laughs  and than  say again. .. you are a mistake  Tina  .... she gets  up  from the chair  and says  before  she  leaves..   ouch ... it must've   hurted  you  ...  now excuse me   ..  I need  some  sleep  ..  enjoy  the pain  and laughs   as she  leaves  me  ..  with  a huge pain  to  handle. . But with  time  I come  to a conclusion  that   it was meant  to be ... Am meant  to  be bad  ... I started  to blieve  that  I was the  girl  who  killed  her father  ... so I started  to live   .. as my mom  said  .. a beast

So...   Am  hi 
My name is Mona  and am a bad writer   I just  want  to say  that   this story  is  just  for fun   and if  anyone  read  this  mess  up  there  I would  be so honoured  to know  her/his  name  in the comments   ... and please  forgive me  for  any spelling  mistakes   cause  am not  a native  speaker  and .. tell  me  what  you  think  of this  ... and till  the  next  chapter  stay  crazyy 😍😘

Special  thanks to  my one and only    who  made this  cover 
Saraamr66 love Yaa

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