part 3

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Niall's P.O.V
We moved  to this  town a couple  days ago ... and today  is my first  day at my new high school nothing  to mention  about  this  school  it was just  like any other  school  ...   I went  to  the administration   to take  my schedule  and the keys  of my  locker. .. I took  a look  at my first  class  and it was   sport  class ... so I went  to the hall of sports  .of course  after  along journey   in finding  the way to it.... I pushed  the door  of the hall..  took  à look  around  ... I noticed   a girl  on the floor  looking  for her glasses   ...  and as a  gentleman. . I grabbed  them  ...  as I handed  them to her  her eyes  cought  my attention  ... eventhough  they  were  regular  brown eyes. .. there  was  something  mysterious about... they  were  .. beautiful. ... I gave her  the glasses  and stepped  back  to leave  but i turned  around  again  and  introduced my self 
:am niall   and offered  my hand  as she was about   do the same  another  girl  break  our talk  and  looked  to the girl  and said   she is the beast. .  The girl  looked  around  to see everyone  was  staring  at her  and soon  she runned away 
Cara:  oh. .. you better   stay away  from  her  .. ... she is a beast. . She killed her  dad  .. and she  went  into  a mental  center  ... by the way am Cara
Niall: oh ... my name is niall   nice to meet  you and shaked  her hand
Cara: nice to meet you too. .. cmon girls  Let's  go back  to our  game 
And left 
  I noticed  that  the girl  left  her bag  on the chair  ... I took  a look   to see  if any body  else  noticed  that she left  it .. ... I sat  beside  the bag  and grabbed  it  ...  it was a strange  feeling  how she Could  kill  her dad? Why would  she do that  ?   I tried  to stop  my self  from  not opening  the bag  but I needed  to at  least  know  her name  ...  I opened   it... and grabbed  the first  copybook  it was covered  in black  .. with   a  T.B.D  embossed on the cover  of the  copybook  ... I opened  the first  page to find   a note 
If anyone  read this finely  someone  cared...  to read  it but it's  too  late   I might be dead...   but still  thank  you =) the beast 
I turned  the page and started  to read  since   I have time
(It is my first day  at the mental  center. .. it's  been   four  days  since my dad  gone  .. I still  can't  believe it ..  am here  because   they  think  am the one who killed  him  ... but I swear  I didn't  ... I. Was in the garden  watching  him  taking  care of his plantes. .when  he  told  me that  he  is  going  to get  something  from  the garage  .. I nodded  to him  and put  on my headphones  after a while  ...  I decided  to go  and check  him  cause  it's  been   a long  time since  he was in the garage. I aproached  ..I noticed  the door  was opened  and my dad  was drowning  in his  own  blood .. he was stabbed  by  a knife   I hurried  and took  it out ... I was screaming  dad. .. please  don't  go  please  ...but he wasn't  responding. .. after that  all I can  remember  is his  wife  calling  the police  .and having  all  the evidences  against  me since  my prints  were  the only  prints  on the knife  ...and I was the last  one  who  saw him... the strange  thing is that  they didn't  took  me to jail. ...after that  I knew  that  my mom  said  I had  a mental  issues   that's why  I killed  my dad  ... but why  would  she  say that  ?)
As I was about  to  turn  the page  .. the bell  rang  to end  this  class. . I put  back  the diary  in the bag  and  got out  before  anyone  can  notice. .. I didn't  see  the girl  after  what  happened  I even  waited  beside  the high school  gates  to give her . her  bag  but  I couldn't  find  her  ... I went  home  and all  what  was in my mind  is that  girl  ..her  eyes  .. her story. ..  I must've  gone  crazy  ... she is  not even  my type  ... this  is  going  to  be an interesting  year I reached  the  door  I sneaked  from  the back  yard  in order  to put the  bag  in my room  without  my mom's  notice. ..after that  I  got  back  to the door  way  to  enter  the  house. .
Naill:   mom  am home hey  how  was your  first  day at school.
Good..  said  niall  as he was kissing  his mom  cheeks. .. you meet  some new  friends  ?
Niall :    the first   one popped  in my head  was the beast. ... her eyes. .. were  like ...and said  loud : caramel what? ??
Niall : nothing  ...Am hungry   ... Am gonna  change  so fast  and  be right  back  to eat endlessly

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