The Vision of a Doctor

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Hello loves! I'm back, but in another fandom! I've recently been in this fandom for maybe a week or two, but as soon as i seen this shipm i knew i was caged in with it. Eh, what can ya do? Anyways, i hope you enjoy the story, it is by first PaperHat book but i do hope you like it. Enjoy, and have a fabulous day my loves! <3

Dr.Flug's POV

It had been days. Days since i've slept or eaten, living off mainly water and various other energy drinks that had crossed my path. My desk was a mess, while the other parts of my lab were nearly spotless with nothing but a few tools lying on the floor here and there. My desk was cluttered with papers and blueprints, many cans of the energy drinks i had drank before scattered below my swivel chair as a new one sat on my desk with a straw pointing out of the top.

I sighed, taking a drink of the energy drink that didn't seem to be doing much for me. I didn't really have a choice, though i knew i could take a break and just finish it tomorrow i never really was the type to rest. Besides, i was nearing finished anyways.

My hand shook as i picked up a wrench, setting it to a bolt that was held loosely on my latest creation. I yawned, my head pounding, but i refused to stop until it was done. I took another large swig of the drink before the can toppled to the ground with the others. After i had fishied tightening the bolt on the project, i took a small step back to admire my creation.

It was small, but i figured it might be useful in the long run. I picked up the small ray gun in my hands that i had taken days to perfect. I examined it to make sure that i didn't miss anything and that it was all in check. I nearly jumped out of my skin as i heard the lab doors open, letting out a small embarrassing yelp in the process. I whipped around to see none other than my boos himself, entering with the small blue bear i adored, and a colorfully dressed girl that was completely overly obsessed with our boss.

"Dr.Flug, so you have any new inventions that you'd like to show me?" he said checking up on me. I smiled slightly, though the bag that covered my face hid it. I held up the small ray gun.

"T-this is a mind reading device i m-made. Whoever is shot with the ray, will have the p-power to read minds temporarily," i said tiredly, though i was quite proud of my work and stood tall. BlackHat eyed me suspiciously before nodding.

"It could be useful, but i won't be fully impressed until i see it in action," he said, bored with the subject. I rubbed the back of my neck, looking away for a minute.

"W-who would y-you like me to test it on?" i asked curiously. He went into thought for a moment, looking at the two people beside him and giving an untrusting glare to them. He then turned back to me and sighed.

"I suppose you can test it on me tomorrow. This better be safe and i'd hope you make the best out of it since this is the last time i'd ever agree to being your guinea pig," he snarled at me. I flinched at the tone of his voice and could feel myself beginning to sweat.

"U-understood S-sir," i mumbled. He nodded and went to turn around to walk out with Demencia and 5.0.5 before looking back at me.

"My goodness Doctor, do you not know how to take care of yourself?" he said, finally getting a closer look at my condition. I stayed silent and looked to the ground, quite embarassed that he said anything. "When was the last time you slept?" he asked sternly. I looked up.

"A-about a week ago, i-if i'm being honest sir," i admitted. He rolled his eyes.

"How on earth are you even alive? I can't have you croaking on me, your the only scientist i have!" he said. I flinched at his sudden raise of voice. "Get some rest, and make sure your back in the lab tomorrow, i already have a crazy slacker living here as it is," he said referring to Demencia. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

"A-alright," i said nervously, not sure what else to say. He tossed me a firm glare before walking out of my lab. I sighed, slipping off my lab coat and setting it on the coat wrack as i left the lab. I was about to go to my room before my stomach let out a growl of dissaporval. I groaned, getting the hint and walking over to the kitchen. After i had found some of the more humaine food for me to eat, i has begun to head to my room. Sometimes being the only human around these parts was a chore.

I entered my room to find a ginat blue bear with a flower growing out of the top of his head, sitting on the floor coloring in a small notebook. I chuckled and pet the bear on it's head, getting it's attention. The bear let out cute litte squeak as i got in bed to rest for the first time in a week.

5.0.5 was my bestfriend. He was always there for me in my time of need to comfort and support me. He was one of my creations, just as Demencia had been, but he was so much more to me than that as well. He always had my back, and he was almost like a son to me or a comfort buddy of some sort. I loved him.

It didn't take any more than a second to feel big soft arms wrap around me. I loved it when 5.0.5 cuddled me, it was like a giant blanket was giving me a hug. I suggled to the bears fur and felt myself drift off to a much needed slumber.

I dreamed of what like would be like if BlackHat hadn't found me in my time of need. Though the dream wasn't all that welcoming, it wasn't scary, just sad. I had been kicked out of my apartment, due to the fact i couldn't pay rent because i had been robbed of everything i had the week before. I rubbed my arms, cold in the snow that had been falling since that morning, having no place to stay, no one to go to, and not even anyone to love. I felt ugly, and i was depressed because i felt that way. In the fight i had gotten in to with one of the robbers, he had slasked my face, leaving a horrid gash slanted down the full length of it.

I always wore a paper bag over my head, in fear of how people would react if i were to take it off. Normally this would be the part where BlackHat finds me and takes me in, due to his convinient needing of a scientist. But in my dream, he didn't come to my rescue. I stayed in the show, huddled under a tree, shivering from the cold snow that you couldn't escape even if you tried. I evntually felt myself grow weaker, knowing i would certainly die soon enough. Bu relise was all i wanted in the dream.

I awoke with a start, panting heavily, still in the arms of my blue bear friend who whimpered with worry. 5.0.5 knew of my dreams, but didn't know how to help really. he could only sooth me back to sleep. I sighed, laying in the bears arms once again as he rubbed comforting circles on my back with his paw. I smiled under the paper bag i wore over my head. I soon let my dreams envelope me once again.

If i was being honest, i'd be nothing to day without BlackHat. If it weren't for him, i'd still be on the streets, or even dead. Though he was brutal and cruel and i feared him more than anybody i had ever met, i held a type of soft spot for him. I could never leave, even if i wanted to, i had a family here, and i just couldn't leave BlackHat like that. Though i was afraid of him, in a sense he was like my savior. I looked up to him in a way, how strong he was and how he could handle things with such ease. It came so naturally for him. I admired that.

I'd never trade my family for the world....

I'd never trade BlackHat for the world.

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