Chapter 3- 38%

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Athena's mind froze. Slowly, she sat up. She crossed her arms in front of her, in effort to look tough.

"Hmm. You're a thinker, not much of a fighter. You don't trust people, but when you do, it's the wrong decision. You hate kiss-ups, and you especially hate dishonesty. A bit hypocritical, don't you think?" says the mysterious man. He turns his head to see the boy in the corner standing up as well.

Athena thought to herself. How does he know all of that? Everything he said was true. She would always over-think things and she hated kiss-ups. She always had trust issues, and hated when people lied to her. But what was hypocritical about that?

"And you." The man turned toward the boy in the corner, who was now visibly shaking. "You aren't much. You try to act braver than you actually are. What am I saying? I haven't let you two speak to each other yet. I'll let you kids get to know each other while I take care of the remaining pieces of the last one that was here." The man laughed. "Ohh. She tried to get away, but no. She overestimated herself. Rookie mistake." The man left and slammed the door behind him.

Soon after he left, a dim light flickered above them. Athena got up and walked over to the boy, who was still recovering from the encounter.

" Hey. So did you maybe, possibly miss that entire conversation?" the boy asked with a bit of hope in his eyes.

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