Chapter 8- 34%

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After what felt like several hour of impatiently waiting, the door finally creaked open. But just the slightest. It opened just enough so that a body could fit through the opening. Zane stumbled in and fell to his knees, wheezing. Athena quickly walked over to him, putting his arm over her shoulder, and helping him up. She helped him over to a wall, when she heard a, "Ahem-"alerting her that Casey was still watching. She abruptly dropped Zane against the wall and he winced. He'll be fine, Athena though to herself. She turned toward Casey. She put her hands behind her back, cracking her knuckles. Ooohhh he has another thing coming to him if he think I'm not going to put up a fight, she told herself, hoping Casey got the message. "What do you want?" she asked in a monotone voice, hoping not to show any of the fear inside of her. Casey remained silent. Since her eyes had adapted to the minimal light she was able to make out a few of his features. He had a sunken in face and uneven stubble. He also had a long scar going diagonally across his forehead, going through his left eyebrow. He was a tall man, relatively thin, but he had enough muscle to probably out-fight Athena and Zane. She noticed a something on his knee. A knee brace? she questioned herself. "Hmmm," Casey mumbled, making Athena lose her train of thought. "You'll see soon enough." He turned around and walked out of the doorway, but didn't close it. What is he waiting for? Athena questioned. She started to head toward her self-claimed corner of the room, when Casey sternly spoke, "Oh, you're coming with me." She froze. She slowly started to walk toward the door. She peered over to Zane, who was sitting with his knees to his chest, rocking back and forth while inaudibly mumbling. She waited for him to protest her leaving, or at least to say something. But he didn't. She walked out of room, deeply exhaling. The bright light outside her prison/room blinded her when she exited the room. When her eyes finally adjusted to the light, she noticed she was standing face to face with Casey. His dark blue eyes shifted to a soulless black, and he smirked slightly. Then he punched her in the face. Athena was frozen with shock when his fist came in contact with her cheek. She wasn't prepared, so she fell backward, hitting her head hard against the stone floor. Her world went dark.

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