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3rd Person POV:
The next morning Lui ran into Evans room to wake him up barging in so loud he already woke up Evan "EVAN EVAN EVAN EVY!!" Lui jumped on Evan "Uh what Lui?" Evan groans "Turn to a puppy plz!!" Evan looked at Lui who was sitting patiently on his chest "A cute girl is here sooo plz???!" Evan threw back his head "Fine let's get this over with..." Evan said turning into his small wolf form and feeling Lui picking him up running downstairs with a frightened looking Evan "Here he is!" Lui yelled putting small Evan in the air like lion king getting everyone's attention "Awe! What's this little guys name?" The women asked petting Evan while
He licked her hand "His name is..." Lui trailed off looking at the guys "His name is toonz!" Luke yelled from the kitchen "Right! Toonz I always forget" Lui said putting Evan down while Jonathan went into the kitchen to Luke and boiled up "What the hell Luke?! Really toonz? The name for him?!" Jonathan whispered yelled "No one else said anything, so I just yelled what came to my mind" they were both giving glares hear a door close and a coughing Evan both bursting the kitchen door open "EWWW! Her hand tasted awful!" Evan said to Lui who was in front of him kneeling down to his leave "Luke get Evy some water ey?" Lui laughed "Yea sure" Jonathan came over to Evan picking him up and holding him "What did she taste like?" Evan scoffed "A pile of shit duh!" Both laughed till Luke came back with the water placing it down and Jon putting Evan down with him running to it drinking it fast "WHOA BUDDY SLOW DOWN BEFORE YOU CHOKE!" Tyler yelled wheezing, but that was a late warning Evan soon spit out water started coughing hard and pretended to pass out making the guys worry "Oh shit! Evan!" David yelled running over with everyone right behind him surrendering him "Is he breathing?!" Marcel asked worriedly David places a hand on Evan chest feeling nothing then pulling away fast shaking "What?" Brain asks "There's no heart beat...." Everyone gasp soon panicking while Brock took his paw and it moved slightly Brock rolled his eyes "Guys look" Brock tickled Evans paw making him laugh "YOU ASS WE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" David yelled right in Evans face with Evan laughing he started to cough again "Ok now he's dying" another person said we all look towards the door to see Scotty close the door and walk over to us "How the Fock did you get in?" David asked holding a tired Evan "He has spare keys" Luke answered everyone just said 'oh' "Evan stop with the silly games and plays ok?" Lui said rubbing Evans face "ok" Evan said, Jonathan soon turned wolf and David put Evan down failing on his side "Shit David!" Jonathan said hovering over Evan licking the side of his face.

" Everyone gasp soon panicking while Brock took his paw and it moved slightly Brock rolled his eyes "Guys look" Brock tickled Evans paw making him laugh "YOU ASS WE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" David yelled right in Evans face with Evan laughing he sta...

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Scotty took a picture and Lui was fangirling using his hands as fans with all the adorableness "You ok Ev?" Jon asked "I am now" Evan said smirking making Jon blush and get off with Evan moving on to his side getting up "Ok I'd like to admit something about me and Scotty" Luke said "We are both wolves too" Scotty said everyone smiled and asked if they could turn and they both nodded turning into their forms.

{oohhh cliffhanger see next chapter to see their forms ;)}

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