Life and Death Part 1

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My own little two-shot of how the manga went after like a chapter really late in the story(manga readers know)
(Zeref' and Natsu fight. Zeref almost kills Natsu but Lucy has the book of end and rewrites it yadda yadda)
My eyes open.

I lift my hand to what I had thought was a fatal wound I had received from Zeref only to feel unbroken skin. The only evidence of the wound being the large hole in my shirt.

I slowly pick myself up, much to the disbelief of Zeref and myself.

He stares at me in shock.

"How are you still alive? You should be dead."

I wipe blood from the corner of my mouth and smirk at him.

"I guess I'm stronger than you think."

His eyes widen as if in realization and then a knowing smile stretches across his face as he shakes his head slowly.

"No, it looks to me like one of your friends is messing with life and death."

My smirk falls.

"What are you talking about?"

His eyes harden and a spark of amusement lights in them.

"There is no doubt in my mind that is was a certain celestial mage you know very well."

I take a deep intake of breath and my fists clench at my sides.

My mind starts to turn wildly. My unserious tone leaves in an instant with his words and I wait intently for what he could possibly say with my breath held, even if it is just a lie.

He stays silent and my nails dig into my palms.

"What did she do?"

His expression stays the same and he waits to answer, knowing he has my full attention in the palm of his hand.

"Let's just say, you can't just bring someone back from the dead and not have any form of payment."

"Stop messing with me!"

His expression stays calm and collected as mine becomes impatient and uneasy.

He waits moments before speaking words he knows will leave me derailing.

"Your friend is as good as dead, END."

My breath halts.

My previous drive to kill Zeref's gets put on hold.

He's lying. Nothing happened to her. She's safe. She has to be.

"You're lying."

"It won't matter. You won't make it out alive, no matter how much help she gives you."

My fists ignite in flames and my face lights up in anger.

"I'll kill you!"

I lunge forward, punching him in the face.

He stumbles backwards, trying to regain his composure, but before he has the chance I'm already on him, delivering blow after blow.

He falls to the ground and I grab his sword lying on the ground, moving to stand right above him as he lays on the ground so that I can end his life.

As I get ready to put his own sword through his chest, he opens his mouth.

"When you deliver the final blow, your precious friend will seal her fate by unlinking your life from mine."

I clutch into the handle and shut my eyes, my hands starting to shake as I battle with myself.

A laugh escapes his throat.

"You can't do it. After everything I've done, you now lack the resolve."

My teeth grind as I hold the sword inches above his chest.

"You're just messing with me."

He's lying.

He's just trying to get in my head, to save himself.

But...what if he isn't? Could I really risk killing him, and killing her?

My eyes remain clenched shut as I battle with myself.

I want him to die. He needs to die.

But, even if there's only a tiny chance that Lucy could die...I can't take it.

My hands stop shaking and my tight grasp loosens.

As I start to open my eyes and move my hands to the side, a force pushes the sword down. My eyes widen as I watch the sword plunge deep into Zeref's chest.


His hand releases the blade and his head slumps back on the ground, a cough escaping his throat. Blood splatters onto my face and it morphs into one of horror.

He laughs weakly.

"Looks like I made the choice for you. I hope you have a good time living with the guilt."

My body stays rigid and my eyes stay wide as I watch his eyes slowly close.

I'm snapped out of my horror when a feeling of pain sparks in my chest.

I fall over, my hand clutching my chest.

An unimaginable pain stabs at my body and realization strikes me as I lay crumpled on the floor.

"I'm dying."

A small smile appears on my face as I lay on the ground, gasping for air.

If I die, then he must have been wrong. He must have been lying.

I let my eyes close, waiting for life to leave me.

The unbearable pain is still present as everything begins to grow fuzzy.

All of a sudden, the pain leaves me in a flash, and my eyes snap open in horror.

I sit upright, staring at the scenery around me, showing me that I'm still alive.


I'm alive.

Dread fills my entire being.

I can't be alive.

It's not possible unless..


Posting lots of one-shots while I work on my next actual story

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