Chapter 2 - Red meets Blue

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"This is where I will drop you off then, as always." The driver cautiously opened the limo door for Akashi, the student stepped out as everyone (by the gate) stared.

"It's Akashi Seijuro..."

"The son of the righteous lord of the Akashi family."

They eventually proceeded inside the school grounds, as well as Akashi. Even though he was focusing around his surroundings, he bashed into someone.


"Sorry! I didn't see you there." Akashi sincerely apologised to the person he bumped into, before immediately staring at him in disbelief. He had light blue hair like the pale sky, smooth, cream skin and teal blank eyes; he was wearing the same uniform as Akashi. His cute features would make any girl envious, He brushed the hem of his blazer.

"I guess it's fine, but you should be more careful where you're going," He noted in an expressionless voice, "Nearly everyone in these school grounds at least bumped into me once, since no one really notices me."

After the boy finished the sentence, it sank Akashi's heart. 'Why would people not notice a beautiful person like him?' The redhead thought... He gasped quietly... Remembering something his father told him a long while ago...

"Kuroko Tetsuya has a weak presence, which means people have a hard time trying to catch sight of the boy, well he was in a different class during the first year."

"Excuse me for a second but, may I know your name?" Akashi questioned, waiting curiously for the other's answer. 

"Why do you want to know?" 

"I don't have any friends, so I wanted to make one or two this year." The redhead sweat dropped 'That was definitely a white lie, hopefully he falls for it though.' 

"Well... Kuroko Tetsuya, sounds familiar doesn't it?" Kuroko sighed, "The future lord of the well-known, Kuroko family. Everyone seem to call me 'The Ghost' of the family. You?"

'Looks like I've found my target already, how should I play this game? Play easy? Or play risky..? Got it.' Akashi suddenly let out a visible grin, "...Akashi Seijuro..."

Kuroko looked at him with a calm face, but somehow a little nervously, "Akashi? As in the Akashi family? Uhhh... I'm sorry but I can't talk to those amongst your ki-" 

"I know, I know, because of the petty grudges against us families. But I don't really obey my Father and I don't blame the Kuroko family for setting the fire on our manor and perhaps killing my mother. I forgive you people, so how about shaking our hands as friends and keep our friendship a secret to our parents? Kuroko?" Akashi quickly retaliated. Kuroko breathed out in hesitation, shivering, he let out his hand. 

"Sure... I don't blame you people for assassinating my older brother either." He stood and squinted his eyes suspiciously at Akashi, still, offering the handshake.

Akashi responded by grasping Kuroko's soft hands and gently shook it. Luckily, not much students were outside from the building. 

"Ehh?! Akashicchi?! How come you're still outside? It's nearly time for class!" A shocked blond strode across through the gate, towards the redhead. Akashi shot his angered eyes at him, obviously pissed off.

"Kise. It's only 7:50am, class starts at 8:30am. Do not disturb me when i'm talking to someone." He scowled. Kise Ryouta, the small forward of the newly, famous Teiko's basketball team, the Generation of Miracles. Kise had less experience in the team since he joined near the end of the school year, after Haizaki Shogo -the previous small forward- was kicked out from the team by the captain (point guard). Who was the captain? Nonetheless, Akashi Seijuro, he took the position after Nijimura Shuzo retired from it.

"Huh?? But I don't see anyone next to you..." Kise blinked.

"Domo, Kise-kun." Kuroko greeted.

"AHHHHH! K-KUROKOCCHI?!" The blond stumbled backwards, he gulped at Kuroko in surprise, "B-b-but Akashicchi and Kurokocchi?? That's such a terrible match!"

"Me and Kuroko are friends now," Akashi interrupted, he dangerously stepped closer to Kise, "But... How did Kuroko know you? Care to tell me?"

"Akashi-kun, please don't scare Kise-kun. He's just a childhood friend of mine." Kuroko smiled weakly.

Suddenly, he began to heat up, his face burning rosy red, and his whole body went numb. Kuroko shallow breaths quickened, his blue eyes shielded by his eyelids. He lost his balance.

"Kuroko/Kurokocchi!" Both Kise and Akashi cried in unison - as soon as Kuroko was about to hit the hard surface, Akashi instantly caught him. The redhead hovered his hand on Kuroko's forehead, checking his temperature.

His head was sweating in intense heat.

"What the-? What happened to him?!" Akashi yelled at Kise, the blond frowned.

"This was not the first time that happened to him."

"The hell are you on about?"

"His mother had pneumonia during her pregnancy and when she gave birth to Kurokocchi... She fatefully died. Since then Kurokocchi experienced these mysterious attacks each month or at least fifty two times a year," Kise continued, "Last year, I took him to the doctors and they said that he was diagnosed with pneumonia when he was born. Since then, Kurokocchi receives daily check-ups and medicine to calm the illness down. However... It wasn't exact that he was diagnosed with that diseased the doctor just assumed."

"His family is rich, why can't they pay them to cure Kuroko then?" Akashi asked.

"Because... His father, Kuroko Mamoru, dosen't care about him. He wouldn't even care if Kurokocchi dies," Kise's face darkened in disgust, "After his wife's death, he hurts Kurokocchi when he was seven years old, I witnessed his abuse through the wide gap of Kurokocchi's bedroom door. And he forced the poor guy inside to study for hours and hours. Although, Mamoru still gives Kurokocchi permission to play with me during breaks."

Akashi stayed silent. Glancing at the unconscious Kuroko in his arms.

"I know Akashicchi, it sounds painful." Kise clenched his teeth, trying to resist his tears.

Akashi smiled sadly, his blood red eyes burred from tears.

"Akashicchi?" Kise watched the male as he caressed Kuroko's cheek.

"Me and Kuroko... We're so alike... You see, after my mother died in the fire six years ago, my father forced me inside to study also. But... The fact I have to kill this per-"


Akashi was delayed by the vigorous, loud coughs from Kuroko. Everyone who was surrounding the three, looked at them, especially Kuroko.

"Ah shit! Kuroko!" Akashi swore, he carried the coughing student and rushed inside the building where the infirmary is. With Kise right behind him.


To be continued?

Shoutout to angelfromthesky1

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