10. Don't Make Promises You Can't Keep [EDITED]

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Devyn did not sleep that night. Her head replaying the events in her head, seeing Boyd motionless and a broken Derek hovering above him with blood-soaked hands. She barely remembered getting home. Stiles sat her and Lydia in his jeep, no one spoke. When they got to the Martin residence, Lydia and Devyn mumbled a quick goodbye to Stiles before going to their rooms.

Devyn rolled over and looked at the time, 3:25 am. She sighed and walked over to the windowsill pulling out her sketchbook. Devyn stared outside for a while before opening the window and lifting herself onto the roof. She flipped to an empty page and started drawing a picture of a woman. A woman with long blonde flowing hair, sitting in a field holding a dandelion up to a little girl. A little girl with eyes that were so full of hope and happiness. Happiness that would eventually be stolen away from her.

Devyn did not realize how long she was drawing until she heard a panicked, "Devyn?!"

"Out here," She called, looking down and seeing Stiles frantically scanning the ground before looking up and relaxing. Devyn smiled and scooted over so he could join her.

"Did you actually think I jumped out the window, Sunshine?" Devyn smirked when Stiles sent her a playful glare. They sat in comfortable silence for a while, Devyn shading in her drawing and Stiles watching her a small smile on his face.

"Staring is rude," Devyn muttered, not stopping her actions.

Stiles shrugged and rested his head on her shoulder to get a closer look at her drawing, "You're just very beautiful, I can't help but stare."

Devyn paused and glanced down at him, ignoring the heat that rose up to her cheeks, "That was corny."

The brunet boy chuckled, moving his head slightly to give a short kiss to her neck. He looked back at the picture admiring the detail, "What are you drawing?"

He felt Devyn tense a little before she started fiddling with her necklace. She stayed silent for a few more minutes, finishing her drawing. Stiles patiently waited for her to speak.

Devyn signed her name on the corner and stared at the paper, "Today is my mom's birthday."

She said it so softly Stiles probably would not have heard it if he was sitting up.

"This is the first year I won't get to spend it with her." Devyn tried to hold the tears that welled up, but the moment Stiles grabbed her hand the tears started to fall.

Stiles immediately sat up when he heard her sniffle and gathered up onto his lap. Devyn grabbed his shirt and sobbed. Stiles rocked her and stroked her hair until she calmed down.

"I thought I was going to be okay. I thought it wouldn't be that bad, but it is. I still remember it."

Stiles kissed the top of her head, "You don't have to tell me"

"I want to, I think you should know," Stiles nodded in response, waiting for her to continue.

"Devyn! I have to go to the bank, but I'll be home later, do you want anything?" Samantha Parks called up the stairs. She threw her golden hair into a bun and grabbed her purse.

"Can you bring me a pepperoni pizza?" Devyn yelled not taking her eyes off the television, completely invested into Stranger Things.

"Yes, ma'am!" Samantha yelled back. She chuckled when she heard her daughter yell something about an eleven and walked out the door.

Devyn got through half of the season before realizing her mother was not back yet. With a frown, she picked up her phone and dialed her mom's number. She called three times getting sent to voicemail each time. Her frown deepened as she tried her dad.

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