Practice, Practice, Practice

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Thrid Person POV 

"So" Miss Kate said " We need to decide who is going to be are soloists, duet pair and small group dancers" 

"I nominate Kate for soloist" West said 

"And I accept that nomination but I would also like to nominate Michelle" 

"any one else?" Miss Kate asked "Ok, so our female soloists have been selected, now for the males

"I nominate Eldon for soloist" Michelle says 

" and I accept" Eldon said 

"I nominate West for soloist" Kate said 

"and I decline" West said quickly 

"Oh come on, you nominated me" Kate said 

"Fine, I accept" West said 

"anyone else?" Miss Kate asks

"Alright, small groups"

" I nominate Kate, Giselle and Becca" Sandy said 

"But what about you?" Kate asked

" I am an alternate remember?" Sandy said "and besides, I am going for duets" 

"Ok then, I accept" Kate said 

"Me too" Giselle said 

"  Me three" Becca said and the girls hug

"anyone else?" Miss Kate asks  "well that one has thankfully been decided for us"   Miss kate continues when no one puts there hand up

"and duets" 

"I don't want to be apart of anything else" Giselle said 

"Me neither" Michelle agrees

"I nominate Kate and West" Becca  said 

"wait, am I allowed to audition for all three things?" Kate asked 

"If you show you can keep up with it" 

"I accept and I nominate Becca and Sandy " Kate said 

" I accept and nominate Riley and James" West said 

"We accept" Both pairs said 

"anyone else?" Kate asked "well on with auditions"  


Kate and Michelle get 1 hour to rehears and after a lot of hard work Kate preform this 

and michelle performs this:

Kates POV

I just love Michelle's Preformance it is so cool and Diva, I love it, I know it will be her to get picked 

Michelle's POV 

There is a lot of emotion in Kate's solo, I think hers is amazing and I am just habving so much fun with mine 

Third Person POV 

"After very careful deliberation Kate will be our female soloist" Miss Kate said    

"Oh my god" 

Kate's POV 

I am ecstatic, I hug Becca and Sandy 

I can't belive I am going to be the soloist 

Third Person POV 

Kate turns to Michelle 

"I just want to let you know if I crash and burn, I want you to do your solo, I love it is so cool" Kate said and Michelle smiled

"thanks" She said and they hugged 


Soon it is the boys turn and they get an hour to rehears and after working hard West performs this:

And Eldon proforms this 

Miss Kate and Pheobe go and talk in the office before coming out and revealing 

"The male national soloist is West!" Miss Kate said 


For the purpose of the competition could Kate, Giselle and Becca show us there small group routine 

"We were thinking of something like this"   Gisselle said and they started to perform this

"wow girls that is amazing" Miss Kate said "now to the small groups"

Kates POV

I am not looking forward to versing Becca and Sandy, but I guess I will have to  

Becca POV 

I don't wont to have to verse Kate

Sandy POV

I hate the fact that I have to go up against my friends 

Third Person POV 

Riley and James are up first and preform this:

Then it is Sandy and Becca's turn and they preform this:

And then finally it is West's and Kate's turn 

Kates POV 

I am really nervous about this because me and West had quite a few different ideas about this  duet and ontop of that I am versing my friends so here goes 

West's POV 

I would definetley like more hip of and fun but in this dance we put our trust in eachother. We actually discovered that we have a lot of chemistry   

Third Person POV 

Everyone is amazed a Kate's and West's dance 

"Congratulations Kate and West, your are our the duet at nationals" Miss Kate said   

Kate's POV 

I am overjoyed but at the same time, sick with nerves as National is around the coner and I am in every dance, I don't know how this is going to work 

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