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I will give chapters about Avia, Gavin, and Brock for now, then will give it about Emmi and Daxton


Gavin's POV

I wake up earlier than usual. I see my Dad passed out in his room then I quickly change and head out the door. I left Avia and Brock there because our school starts different times.

I sigh and walk to school. I see my friends and walk up to them. "Aye, what's up guys." The say hey back and we walk into school.

We go into the cafeteria because they let everyone go in there if their early.

"So Gavin, soccer game after school, ya ready?" My friend, Josh asks me.

"Of course I am! We got this guys." We talk about random stuff until the bell rings.

I'm lucky to have my friends but I have an abusive father at home, waiting to beat me up.

I go to my locker and grab my binder and shut my locker. I walk to my first period which was science.

I go to my seat and I look down at my stomach. I sigh and see my fat hanging out.

I really have been working hard to loose weight except it is just so difficult not to eat.

My dad really effected us. I hate myself because of my fat and I think I am weak and ugly.

My teacher started teaching his lesson, which was of course really boring.

I look around the class and see the girl I liked since freshman year. Her name was Lynn Davis. I didn't ask her out because how and why would she like me?

I wasn't so confident in myself, if you couldn't tell.

Our period ended and I started walking to my next class which was P.E.

This is my favorite class because it really helped me with my workouts. I payed extra attention and did all the things they told me to do.

After our workout, we had to play dodgeball. I played and our team won. We had 5 minutes left so we went back to the locker room to change.

-: time skip :-

It was the end of the day and I slowly walked back home because I forgot my soccer shoes.

Hopefully Dad isn't home. I reached the apartment and unlocked it with the key I had.

I walk inside with a strong smell of smoke and alcohol. I looked around and saw my Dad in the kitchen, walking over to me.

I stepped back in fear. "What are you doing here, you fat loser!" He punched my stomach. I gasped for air.

"I'm going to punch the fat outta you!" He pushed me down and started punching my sides and especially my face.

I didn't cry, if I did he will hurt me even more. He stopped and I layed there.

"Get out now or I will do worse!" I quickly ran to Avia, Brock, and I's room and grabbed my soccer shoes. I ran out the door and stopped, feeling my face stinging with pain.

I walk back to the school to get ready for my game.

I looked in the mirror and my face was bruised up.

I sigh and washed my cuts. I looked somewhat better.

I walked out to see my friend, Christian walking to the field. He saw me and waited for me.

"Oh geez, Gav what happened to your face?!" We started walking again.

"I got hit with a soccer ball." I lied, I couldn't tell him Dad beat me up!

Oh and if you are wondering, yes we called the cops on Dad, but he managed to find a way to show he was a "good father". I have no idea how, but he did it.

Once we got to the field our coach made us run laps.

We then had to do push ups, sit ups, you know, the athletic stuff.

I saw from a distance the team we're playing against arrived. Families and other people from school arrived in the bleachers.

We practiced our soccer skills with partners. I was ready for this.

-: another time skip :-

Our game ended and we won, 13-7. Our coach took us to a pizza place to celebrate but I didn't eat that much. I had 1 slice of pizza and water.

He took us home one by one and I was the 3 to last to get home.

I sighed and got ready for what was going to happen. I walk in and see Avia getting hit by Dad.

"Don't talk back to me, got it?!" He started slapping Avia more.

I walked into our room and see Brock sitting on his mattress. "Hey Brock, ard you okay?" He shook his head.

"How could I be okay, Gavin! Our father is hurting my sister and not only her but he's hurting all of us! How can I- we live like this?! His birthday is coming up, Gav, and what does he want as a gift? Let me guess, to beat us up!" He started crying.

"Heck, I wouldn't even be scared anymore, we're going to die, Gavin. I mean, look at us. We're sleeping on matresses that he found in a dumpster. We have no clothes that fit us, and we don't even have water! If only our family didn't break up. If only Mom came back but she didn't! She doesn't care about us. No one cares about us actually."

I sit down next to him. "Look, Brock, we can do this. All you have to do is stay strong. I know Mom didn't come back and Dad became like, you know, but just stay strong."

I guess that calmed him down a bit, because he stopped crying. Avia came into the room and she looked horrible.

She layed down on her matress and stared crying.

I gave her a hug and looked in my backpack. I found 2 apples I saved from lunch and gave it to Brock and Avia.

She didn't take it so I just put it by her pillow. Brock looked at it, but then took a bite. It looked like he wanted to spit it out but he swallowed it.

I heard the front door open. "I'm leaving! Clean the house up right now!" I heard my Dad yell. He walked out and slammed the door.

I went to the beat up living room and sweeped up the glass. Avia and Brock came out, helping me.

I sigh and thought about our life. This is what we live in.


Next chapter will be Brock's POV

Thanks for reading!

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