Chapter 2

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I find myself in an alleyway opposite Kings Cross, mum standing next to me.
"Eugh! That's horrible!" I exclaim, feeling slightly sick- half from apparition, half from excitement.
"Lets go and get you some lunch, shall we?" Mum asks. We walk across the road and into the station, finding a trolley to put my luggage onto. As we walk, we come across a small Deli.
"You go on and get something to eat. Go on, I'll wait here. There you go.. here's some money." Mum says as she hands me a tenner. I go in and pick out a coronation chicken sandwich with Dijon mustard, and a New York sub for mum. I also get 2 diet cokes and two packets of walkers ready salted crisps. I take the food up to the counter and pay for it. I exit the shop and return to my mum.
"Oh!? You got two?"
"Yeah, I felt extra hungry today... No, I'm just joshing. Ones for you, mum." I say, handing mum her New York sub.
"No, I'll get something later sweetheart. Why don't you save one for the train journey? In case you get hungry?" She suggests, handing the sandwich back to me. I shrug.
"I guess I could save it for later."
"And you've got your Galleons?" She asks me. I nod my head and take out a small pouch, which has a small amount of coins in it. Mum took me to Gringotts the day we got everything from Diagon Alley. I have a vault with thousands of Galleons. My mums dad comes from a very rich 'pure blood' family, so when he died, all of his money was split between my mum and my aunt. But then because my mum started living a muggle life, working in Tesco, earning muggle money, she had no need for the thousands of Galleons, Sickles and Knuts in her Gringotts vault, so she passed it all to me. Mind, if Eddie ever turns out to be a wizard then I'll have to share it with him.
"Good, not that you'll really need it. You can't go to Hogsmeade until you're in third year, and you can only spend so much on the sweet trolley on the journey." She says.
"Yeah, but it's not like I'm short." I say to my mum. She frowns.
"No, I've always said you're tall for your age"...she says. I roll my eyes.
..."Right, I think it's time we head down to the platform. " my mum says, pushing the trolley. We go from one end of Kings Cross, to the other in 10 or so minutes. We reach the space between platforms 9&10.
"You know what to do?" She asks, placing her hand in my shoulder. I nod and stand behind my trolley, mum holds onto the side of it.
"3...2...1!-". I shut my eyes and run at the very solid - looking brick wall. I re-open my eyes and I'm on a brand new platform. Sitting in front of me, is a large, Scarlett train, steam billowing out the sides and the top.
"Woah!" I exclaim, looking astonished. I look up at mum and I can tell she feels rather emotional. We wander off to a less crowded part of the platform, as there must be at least 500 students, saying goodbye to their parents and families.
"Well, you've got 15 minutes until the trail leaves. You can get on the train now if you wish. Get yourself a good compartment. I mean, you'll be on the train for a few hours, so you'll want to be comfortable." She says. I nod. She takes my trunk and adds it to the pile to go onto the train. I lift Bowie's cage and take it off the trolley.
"Well, I guess this is it. I'll see you at Christmas. Now you have fun, don't spend all your money, don't spend all your time in the library, remember to write, and please.. Be good." Mum says softly as she kisses my forehead. I give her a last hug and make my way on to the train, and go along the carriages looking for a compartment, until I find one half way down the train. I go into the empty compartment. I take off my backpack and put it in the rack above my seat. I take Bowie's cage off the seat and put it on the floor. I sit down and look out the window, so that mum can see me. A good 5 minutes later, mum spots me. She's with a short, ginger woman, a man who appears to be the woman's husband, and two ginger children. A boy and a girl, whom look around the same age as Eddie. I wave at mum as I notice that the clock on the platform reads 10:58. I hear the conductor shouting 'all aboard', as the train whistle blows. I begin to feel the train move forward as the clock strikes 11:00. I wave to my mum and the people she's with, and they all wave back... This is it. I'm going to Hogwarts...

A/n: Hiya! Sorry for the short chapter, but I promise the next chapter will be much more interesting, I promise :) x

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2017 ⏰

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