home -james

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again, i'm not an expert on indy car racing. as a matter of fact, i know next to nothing. o o p s

i promise this is the last chapter that jumps really far into the future

For me, I never stop. Literally or figuratively. Two weeks after my wedding, I left to get back to racing. I had to leave Sharna and Norway in LA, which was heartbreaking. I haven't been home with my girls in a month and a half. Sure, we text, call, and video chat with each other, but it's not the same. They came to visit me at the Long Beach race, they only came for a few hours though. I miss my perfect little family.

All of that changes today. It's the last race of the season and as soon as it's over, I'm going to go back home. Even better, I'm home until May. Then it's back on the road, but I don't want to think about that yet. Honestly, I don't even care how I place today. Every lap is a lap closer to home. Of course I'm going to try, but even if I finished last, I wouldn't be too upset with myself.

Sharna and Norway call me before the race begins. We talk for as long as we can and they wish me good luck before I'm pulled away to get into my car.

{time skip}

The drive back to the apartment was the only five hour drive I've ever not minded. On the way home, I stopped at Starbucks to pick up drinks for the Sharna, Norway, and me. For once, they had the strawberry cake pops that Norway loves, so, of course I had to get her one. As I was walking back to my car, a girl, probably a few years older than Norway hesitantly stepped up to me. She said that she had been watching the entire Season 23 of Dancing with the Stars and she was rooting for Sharna and me. She was so excited and had what felt like a million questions for me. I really didn't want to stay and answer all of them, but I felt like I had to. We took a few pictures together before her mom told her it was time to leave. Finally, now I'm free to go home.

I get back into my car and turn on the radio before pulling out of the parking lot. Only about five more minutes until I'm reunited with my girls. When I arrive, I see Norway outside with one of the other thirteen year old girls in the building. She recognizes my car and starts to run toward me. I motion for her to wait until I park. She reluctantly obeys. Parking next to Sharna's car, I run to her and bring her into a hug. "You're home!" she says happily.

"Yep, until May." I smile and she helps me get my suitcases out of the car. We talk about past races and sports that she may want to try. Sharna and I think she should get into something. Surprisingly, Norway said she would like to start cheer. She's a fairly small girl, so there's a chance she would be a flyer. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Sharna is waiting at the top of the elevator for Norway and I. She wraps her arms around me the second the elevator doors open enough for her to greet us. She almost knocks the Starbucks out of my hand. "Hello, my love." I whisper in her ear as she hugs me.

"Welcome home." she replies. It's great to hear that Australian accent in person again. "Dinner is ready back at the apartment. I just did the salad bar."

Sharna's salad bar is exactly what it sounds like, and it's the perfect dinner to make when you're tired or don't feel like cooking anything. Obviously that's how she felt today, but I don't mind it. At all. "Fantastic. I brought Starbucks for either before, during, or after." I hand her the iced coffee I got and we head back home.

Dinner was pretty normal, we talked about we had all done over the past month and talked about what we should do in the next few days. I truly missed these dinnertime chats while I was gone.

When I look at everything this way, we are a normal family. Well, as normal as a runner-up couple from Dancing with the Stars who also have an adopted daughter can possibly be. I wouldn't trade any of this for the world though.


hey everybody! tysm for 1.5k!!

sorry for not updating in a while oops

story time!
i'm sick right now so i've just been relaxing and typing this pretty much all day. earlier i kinda just stayed curled up in a ball listening to music on my phone, but i've started to feel a bit better over the past half hour. my dad is grilling and he wanted to throw the side for dinner up the stairs to me. i stood at the top of the stairs and he threw this bag of corn. hE THREW IT TOO LOW AND IT CUT MY FOOT. MY DAD CUT MY FOOT WITH A BAG OF CORN. < never thought i'd say that lol. anyway, so he was like "that wasn't my best throw." me, while trying to stop the bleeding from my foot replies, "ya think?" he turns to go back outside and says, "yeah. i thunk." that's improper grammar. i had an author as my english teacher this past year f i g h t m e (he knew it was wrong but he just wanted to annoy me. luv ya dad haha)

qotd: biggest pet peeve

aotd: somebody looking over my shoulder while i'm on my phone *cringes*

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