ONE | i wasnt even driving that fast

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"I hit you with my car and I'm the only one to visit you in hospital."

It wasn't like she meant it, hell she didn't even have her full driving license yet and she want even hitting the speed limit, but despite all that, she still managed to hit someone

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It wasn't like she meant it, hell she didn't even have her full driving license yet and she want even hitting the speed limit, but despite all that, she still managed to hit someone.

In her defence, he literally came out of nowhere, not even Vin Diesel could have prevented that accident from happening. As soon as his body connected with the hood of her car, she immediately halted and called an ambulance-- so really, it wasn't like she was a terrible person and the paramedic had told her on the multiple times she had asked that he would be perfectly fine, if anything he was just concussed and bared a few grazes and cuts. However, Carter still felt like there was a special place reserved for her ass in Hell.

Sucking in a deep breath and filling her lungs with the cool wintertime air, she pulled her jacket further around her body and entered the hospital. The bright, blinding fluorescent lights had her squinting as she adjusted from the darkness to this new lightening. The potent smell of bleach and what seemed like lemons violated her nose, making her recoil slightly. Hospitals were never her thing.

Cautiously, she glanced around the empty foyer, the only sounds that could be heard were the murmurings of passing doctors and nurses. Maybe this was a mistake, she thought hastily. It had been a few hours since the man was admitted, and just like the paramedic said, he was probably fine-- he might not even be there anymore, but despite her hesitation, Carter continued up to the desk, the cotton like bike rising further in her throat as she did so.

"Hi," Her voice came out like a squeak and she coughed. "Hi. Uh, was there a man that came in here earlier today? He was in a car accident. Dark hair, kind of curly?"

The nurse stared at her with a bland expression, utterly disinterested. "Lady, we get a lot of patients and unless you know him by name, I can't help you."

Frustrated, Carter emitted a groan and rolled her eyes. "It was around lunch time, nothing serious... uh, oh! He had a tag on his uniform!" She suddenly remembered, squinting her eyes as she tried to recall what the name tag had scribbled on it. "Bellamy! His name was Bellamy."

The nurse blinked a few times before lazily flicking her gaze down to the computer screen and typed in the man's name slowly. A few seconds passed and Carter found herself growing anxious as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. "Yup, it looks like we have one of those here. Are you a relative or spouse?"

"No actually, I'm the one that hit him with my car..." She sheepishly replied, tugging at the back of her neck as she diverted her gaze.

The nurse remained completely void of emotion as she nodded her head. "Well, usually we don't allow anyone that isn't family or spouse, but since this guy hasn't had any visitors and I clock off in five minutes I don't see it as my problem," with an elongated sigh, she glanced back down at the screen. "He's on the second floor, ward B, room thirty-two."

"Okay, thanks?" Carter narrowed her eyes, unsure on whether gratitude was necessary but the nurse didn't seem to care and with that, she left, making her way to the room where her victim lay.

The door was ajar when she arrived and nervously she swallowed, opening it up and peering inside. Just as she expected, the man was lying in a hospital bed, a bandage wrapped tightly around his forehead. Unlike the last time she saw him, his eyes were actually open and looking directly at her.

"Oh great, I was wondering when you were coming to check in on me," He spoke with a low, earthy kind of tone and Carter raised her eyebrows, surprised at how deep it was.

"Uh-- you were?" She stammered, eyes wide.

"Yeah, can you hurry up and discharge me now? I told the other nurse I'm fine, but she didn't listen to me." He sounded annoyed, his dark eyes narrowed as the rest of his face portrayed his vexation.

"Oh! You think I'm a-- a nurse." She laughed awkwardly, walking further into his room to show she was in fact wearing a her regular clothes rather than hospital scrubs. "No, I'm not."

Bellamy's frown deepened with confusion. "Then who are you?"

"My names Carter... I uh, I'm the one that hit you with my car." She pulled a smile but it looked more like a grimace and Bellamy's jaw fell slack.

"You?" He spluttered, sitting further up in his bed. "You're the reason I missed my job interview and I'm in this stupid hospital?"

"It was an accident!"

"I almost died!"

Carter opened her voice to let out a frantic apology when she paused, realising what he had said and she rolled her eyes. "I wasn't even driving that fast."

"That doesn't matter, it's because of you that I'm probably never going to be accepted into the military now," He seethed, his tone dropping which Carter didn't think was possible. "Do you have any idea how long I've trained for this?"

She shamelessly glanced down at his rather toned, slightly bulky biceps appreciatively. At least she hit a hot guy with her car, every cloud and all that, "I can imagine you've trained for a while." She mumbled, still staring at his arms.

"Hey; eyes up here." Bellamy scowled, watching as her green eyes met his, a slight sparkle tinted the corners. He was appalled at how amused she looked giving that she actually ran someone over."Do you know what? Forget it. Thanks for the visit, but as you can see, I'm great."

"Aw look, I'm sorry." She gushed, walking closer to the bed, "I'm sure there's a way I can help, my dad is actually quite high up in the military, I don't know what rank, but maybe I can have a word with him?"

The anger he felt suddenly melted away and he looked up at her with a newfound interest. "You'd do that?"

"Yeah, I feel bad." Carter nodded, taking a seat beside him. "I'll also buy you a coffee when you get out of here if you want? Since no one else came to visit you I'll keep you company until they discharge you."

He studied her expression, noting how genuine her offer was and he raised his eyebrows. He only had one family member and that was his sister who happened to be half way across the world on her honeymoon. It had been a while since he'd actually spoken to another person that wasn't Octavia. "You don't even know me."

"Dude, I hit you with my car, I think that officially makes us like good friends or whatever." Carter grinned. "So what do you say? Coffee after we get you out of here?"

Bellamy smiled softly, nodding his head slightly, "Sounds like a plan."

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