The Boy💭💫

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Raegan's POV
"Who are you?!" I got so scared, I don't know who he's! ...

||Shh.. I'm JustinBlake|| whoa.. his voice is the same sound that I always hear everyday when I'm in a bad mood!
"Who are you again?"- I asked
"I'm JustinBlake, the boy who always talks to you? I'm just wondering have you seen my shadow? It's gone 2 days ago.. it told me that you're the boy who saw it?"- TheBoy
"The shadow?..." - I asked
" it came to your room when pure at the
hospital? Don't you remember?..." -TheBoy
"Uhm... is this it?.." - I asked
*showing the picture from his phone*

"Yea it's that one! Damn I look cute!😂" - Jay"Haha

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"Yea it's that one! Damn I look cute!😂" - Jay
"Haha." - I replied
But he's cute.. am I in love with him.??
( btw rae is bi and jay is gay)
"Hellooo?" - jay
"Ooh uhm yea you are cute.. I mean him" - rae
Ooh shit! oops
"It's okay I am cute! 😂 hey wanna help me to find it? I'll take you to neverland?..- Jae asked
" neverland?.. where's it?"- rae asked
"Look up there"- Jay command
* I looked up the skies"
"Uhm.. okay? I can't see anything?.." - I mumbled
" it's up there rae! Lost boys! Pirates! Mermaids! - jay explain
" lost boys? Who are they? PIRATESSS?!?!?!
Not intrested to mermaids but okay..!" - rae crazily asking.
" lost boys. They are.. well basically boys who's lost.."
" oh okay.. uhm I better go home now! It's 8 pm my dad is probably home.. uhm you can come but not to noisy.. ok?' - I reminded
" sure!!! Uhm can Jayden come? She's a little fairy, she have pixie dust she can make everything fly with it.. ? - Jay asked
Who is Jayden?! Are they in a relationship?!?! I'm got panick attacks not so long it all turn black..
Jay's POV
Raegan is really cute, his hair is so fluffy, and everything about him is just so perfect and beautiful! I need to find my shadow! I asked
Raegan if he saw it before and he did! I'm so happy! Maybe I should bring him to neverland someday.. that case he will with me forever! But is he straight?... ugh whatever back to the point.. rae told me he needs to go home, and I asked if Jayden can come with me.. all he does is just stay silent.. he fell to the ground..
Rae ?!?- i panicked
...- Rae
Shoot I need to bring him home before his father notice! - jay told him self
Jay picked rae and he flew away.. but he doesn't know where rae lives so.. he needs Jayden's help to find his house.. not for so long they found it! Jay open the door and layed rae on his bed.. as soon as that his father came in and Jae flew away just hoping he's ok...

This is it! This is kinda boring but yeah! Sorryy I haven't upload anything forever I will try to post as often I can❤️❣️ - Angel

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