~ Epilogue ~

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"Robbie, wait up! I can't fly that fast yet."

L called out to Robbie, who was swooping through the air like a bird after its prey; she on the other hand, still hadn't gotten used to her wings and was flapping slowly behind him. After learning to transform with Robbie, L just about managed Dragon wings and a tail; it was helpful to be able to fly but it was definitely one of the more complicated abilities she'd ever learned.

"Sorry!" Robbie called back and he slowed down to fly beside her.

They'd found that once L had learned to use her new transformation, they could communicate over a distance using their minds- so long as she was part Dragon.

"Can you see anything up there?" L asked, flapping faster to keep up with him.

Her wings were blue-black in colour and they shone in the sun that was peeking through the clouds. They were much, much smaller than Robbie's, but they were enough to keep her in the air and travel the distance they needed.

"No not yet but we're still a few miles away, do you know where we're meeting Bryce?"

L nodded and sent him the image of a patch of road, she still felt a tinge of annoyance over how they had argued about her plan to liberate the first base. She got the feeling that sometimes they forgot how powerful she was, and only remembered how they'd almost lost her. They'd had numerous discussions about it recently and they didn't go over very well.

She was still glad they came with her though, her new outlook on life had changed a lot of things and especially her desire to be alone. She preferred to be with the others now, she did like her own space every so often but she didn't crave it anymore. Ever since she'd recovered she had plenty to keep her occupied, a number of requests pouring in asking for her help with various Supernatural problems. She'd been lucky to find time for her own errand.

"Dragon flight three-two-one calling for L, come in, L?"

L shook her head and turned to look at Robbie, he was watching her with what she'd come to recognise as Dragon concern, or maybe curiosity.

"Sorry, were you saying something?"

"Yes, I asked if you're gonna be okay with this landing?"

L blinked in surprise when she realised they'd arrived and she nodded. "Yeah, I think I'll be fine."

Her landings had caused the most trouble throughout her learning but, she had a remedy for that. She went over it while they began their descent.

"Are you okay?" Robbie asked and L could tell he was holding back his speed just for her.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about the last few months and everything we've done since Christmas day."

Robbie gave her an understanding nod, "I see, well you're gonna need your head in the game. I smell Demons."

L was immediately alert and she sent her senses roaming, she could smell them now too and she kicked herself for becoming so distracted. She wouldn't make that mistake again, their mission was clear and she didn't want any injuries due to her lack of concentration.

Robbie landed first and L stopped a few feet from the ground, still flapping her wings as she set her idea into motion. She transformed a few feet above the ground, as soon as her arms reappeared she began to fall towards the ground; she had just enough time to conjure the magic she needed. Her fall slowed and she floated the rest of the way down, landing gently on the road beside Robbie.

He huffed at her and she placed a hand on his front leg. "That was cheating, you're not gonna have chance to do that every time." But he was smirking, he was definitely impressed with her idea.

Unknown L (Book 1)  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now