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“We are all butterflies. Earth is our chrysalis.”

                                              -LeeAnn Taylor

Jed: Do butterflies scream?

Erica: What?

Jed: Butterflies. Do they scream?

Erica: I think they do.

Jed: But they're really pretty.

Erica: [smiles] They do, Jed. I guess. Just not in a frequency we humans can hear.

Jed: But they're like, really pretty. Like the beautiful sort.

Erica: You really wanted a 'no', didn't you?

Jed: Yeah.

Erica: Well Jed, that's kind of the irony.

Jed: I don't get it.

Erica: Metaphorically speaking.

Jed: .....

Erica: Beautiful things scream too. And no one hears it. Or worse, ignores it.

Jed: But why would they do that?

Erica: Because these things keep the world alive. No one wants to admit that they break too.

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