Journey of the Princess of Ice- The Elementals Chapter 1

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In The Beginning

Abadone opened the Volumine Liri, the book of books, and read not for the first time the short passage that foretold his demise, but also his ascension.

And the beginning gods from the high heavens looked out upon an endless universe, and decided to create many worlds in their image, and for each to celebrate their unique gifts. Each world would be different, but connected. But only those within that were blessed with a sense of adventure would be able to cross over to other worlds or realms. Each realm would have its own laws, and worship the god or goddess of its creation.

But then the gods argued about the governance of such worlds, some were more popular than others, some creatures more powerful than others. They argued about which worlds they wanted to worship them, and how that should be done. Some gods demanded payment, and wanted to dominate all creation, but some of the gods believed in free will. And so the war began, and when it was over, there was a great divide. Those who would force their dominion over others were banished to the lowest of the realms, and it was called the hells. They held the power of destruction, manifested by fire, and created demons in their image able to wield flame. Those who were victorious, remained in the high heavens, and held dominion over all. And so it shall remain for all eternity, until the day the unholy trinity comes to pass.

All this will happen, unless fire can live within ice.


Ice slid down the mountainside on the ground she’d frozen beneath her feet and came to a stop at a crossroads. The road to her left led to another town. She could see the spires of buildings not too far away and people riding or walking toward them. Or, she turned to face the road in front of her, she could continue on her current course until she came to another town or another crossroads. She’d wandered the world for centuries searching for her people, a race of elementals, or a place to settle, only to find sooner or later something forced her to leave, by her own will or that of others.

It had been awhile since she’d been around people for any length of time, and it would be nice to stop and have a little company, even if only for a day. The temperature of this land seemed moderate, neither too hot nor too cold. If she stayed long enough, that would change. The wind shifted and the salty scent of the sea reached her from the direction of the town. She loved the sea.

Sighing, she adjusted the pack on her back as well as the specially treated fur coat she wore to contain her freeze. As an ice elemental, it literally ran in her blood, freezing anything around her after awhile. She walked in the direction of the new town, not anticipating it to be any different from the many others she’d encountered. Friendly at first, then not so much as the temperature dropped because of her. But she had to try.

She came upon a gated battlement with stonewalls four times the height of an average man. It seemed to surround the city behind it for miles. Odd though, no one manned it, and the iron gate stood wide open. People seemed to come and go at will, but she paused in front of the ornate archway to study the carvings. She didn’t recognize any of the symbols, and that spoke volumes. Her travels through the ages had taken her to many different lands, and she’d never seen the likes of this. Still, no one else seemed to pay attention to the markings.

As soon as she crossed underneath the gate and made it to the other side, she spun around. Matching symbols appeared on this side too, and she sensed something different about this place. Power vibrated throughout the air where she stood. The gate was warded to prevent entry or exit, of who or what she didn’t know, but it caused the ice within her veins to rise to protect her. Since no immediate threat manifested itself, she inhaled deeply to calm herself down. Her hold on her powers was questionable, but as she matured she’d gotten better at controlling her freeze. While she might be centuries old, before they’d been destroyed, her kind lived for several millennia, so she was still young.

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