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     "If it'll help me build trust and possibly allow me to recruit you, I'll do it, but before I do, did you know Megan was a part of our gang and left just before Cade did? She was one of the best," Lane smiled in reminiscence and looked back at Abby. "Let's begin, shall we? How about... you go first." He pointed to one of the people behind Abby.
     "Me?" the figure questioned in what sounded like shock.
     "How about both of you. I mean, you chose the exact same powers, so there's no harm." Lane stared at those behind Abby. She was feeling nervous and his eyes weren't even on her.
"Well..." the one on her left began. "My name is Alex Geissler and I'm an enhancer. My ability that I'd prefer not to share," he paused and looked at Lane with a look of hope in his eyes, but was shot down. "-is enhancing my legs for insane running speeds and extremely powerful kicks. I can do other things, but that's what I'm best at." He was a good 5'2" tall and was pretty tan. He seemed to have legs that were compact with muscle and was also sweating a little as he gestured to the guy next to him. He was Asian and stood a little taller. His skin was also pretty tan and he seemed to have a cool to him like her fit in with many crowds, or at least try.
"Well, my name is Collin Jung and I'm pretty much the same as Alex here but stronger." Alex elbowed him as Collin began to chuckle. Collin clearly had much stronger legs, so Abby noted that he would not be easy to catch in a race. Lane gestured to the next person to the right of Alex. He was pretty short and had slicked back hair. Even though he lacked in height, he made up in intimation somehow. He seemed to have a foggier aura to him.
"I'm Max Dillow. I'm an Emitter and my ability which I too would prefer to not share is to shoot out thin beams of aura similar to a metal pole. I can make them thinner than paper or thicker than I am tall, but the bigger, the more energy it takes and I personally think the smaller ones are more effective." Max moved a little and Abby saw a scar on his leg that seemed to be puncture and cut marks. She was about to ask what happened when a voice that wasn't her own spoke in her mind. When he was younger, a car hit him while he was riding his bike. The metal parts of the bike went straight through his leg and he uses those beams as a reminder of what happened. He also had Nen forced upon him to stay alive, so I wouldn't ask. It's still a touchy subject. She looked around and looked at Lane who nodded. He gestured to who was next. Abby remembered he was Nick. He was around 5'6" just from estimation and had blonde hair. He seemed really out of place among the rest.
"Well, I'm Nick Maurer," He said. "I actually lost my power a while back, so I don't think it really matters. I was the same as someone else here, so it really doesn't matter how you put it." He looked away.
So that's who he's out of place, he can't use Nen. Abby thought as Lane gestured to Collin's left. The guy there was pretty plump, but he looked like he'd hit hard. He's gotta be an enhancer. Abby thought. She thought a trend was beginning to appear.
"Well, I'm Henry. I'm a transmuter." He said. Abby backed up a bit, shocked. She didn't see that coming. "My ability is I can create white strings that can't break off something unless I let it. It's like an extension of my body." Abby stared as he stared back.
"Well," Lane laughed. "Let's love on to our last member and then I'll tell you about me." He pointed at the last person who stepped forewords, being extra.
"I'm Holden Siena, and I'm an enhancer." He dropped his bag and pulled a weight out. "What I do is I can make these weights heavier or lighter and I use them as a bludgeon. They work pretty well, surprisingly." He stepped back.
"Thanks for all the detail guys. Now you've gotten all these peasants, you know I'm Lane and I'm a specialist." Abby squinted because this was new. "What I do is I can take thoughts and place them in people's minds. I can also take thoughts from myself or others and make them real, for example..." he pointed at Abby and made a gesture for her to come over. She thought about something that she knew wouldn't come out, writing. Suddenly, she felt something pull at her, even though she wasn't moving or anything and felt it suddenly pop. Lane made the action of catching something and threw whatever he was "holding" up. Suddenly, something shone and a piece of paper fell. He snagged it out of the air and scanned it.
"This is a Shrek fanfic." Everyone went quiet. He shrugged and threw it back. It flowed and faded back to nothing. Abby was speechless. A thought had just been pulled from her and made real. If this was the possibilities of Nen...
"Well, we've had our introduction, so how about Abby and I go back and you stay here." Cade pulled Abby towards the crowd, clearly kinda upset. He pushed  Abby in the crowd, whispering something like see you soon, and she was gone.

     Ricky's ears were ringing even more than before. The hot feeling inching its way down was now about half way down his back. His mind told him he needed to do something, but his body refused, knowing it would probably be beaten again. He just sat there, battling with himself instead. As the laughter around him kept going, it soon faded away and was taken over by ringing from his ears. As his mind began to drift towards unconsciousness, he began remembering his conversation with his parents before he left. He closed his eyes and focused on breathing.

     You're not going and that's final! His mother screeched. You can't go to the city, you'll get mugged multiple times and I can guarantee it!
     Mom! I'll be fine! I'm not going alone. He had yelled back. Dad, what do you say?
     I'm with your mother with this one. He had said. It's just too dangerous.
     Ricky had stormed out with his parents not far after him. They were trying to talk to him, but he ignored their attempts. As Ricky walked into his room, he slammed the door and got his bag down from his closet. He was planning on going no matter what. As he went through his room, he threw clothes in and crammed them away deeper and deeper in the bag.
     Alright. That'll do. Ricky dropped his art things in and zipped the bag shut. He then hid the bag back in his closet. The plan was to sneak out and go to Abby's in the morning and go from there. His parents always slept in so he just needed to be as quiet as he could. Ricky unlocked the door to make it look like he gave up on going and got in bed. His eyes slowly closed as he drifted off to sleep, but now, he was drifting back into consciousness.

     "So," one of the voices said. "What is it?"
     "I think it's a tile from the Main Plaza." Another voice responded.
     "But it's covered in Nen." The voice Ricky recognized as the leader shot.
     "Yeah. He shouldn't even be able to get close to doing this, but maybe he's a student." Yet another voice said. "Should we track him?"
     "Maybe," the leader pondered. There was movement as someone moved around. Ricky opened his eyes, but barely any more than a peep. They were all staring at the tile on the ground as it slowly put itself back together... WAIT. Ricky realized. THEY BROKE IT?! That was enough for him. Ricky began to get up.
     "Oh, look who's joining us." The first voice jeered.
     "Shut up," the leader hissed. "Tyner, Jimmy, and Ahmari, I need you to go scout the area. I have s gut feeling we're being watched. They nodded and hopped off, leaving the leader and who he soon found out was named Liam when the leader told him to guard the alleyway exit. The leader walked over and stared at Ricky who was now on his feet. The only issue was Ricky wanted to puke.
     "Congrats on standing up," The leader smiled. "The Frozen Hearts will remember that." At that moment, megan dropped down from the rooftops. Where've you been? Ricky thought. The leader took one look at Megan and disappeared. Liam disappeared too, and soon they were alone.
     "It doesn't matter that the tile broke, you pass." She grabbed Ricky and jumped, bringing him back to the apartment. Ricky collapsed on the couch and passed out again, this time, for a few hours instead of a few moments.

     "Ricky, you up?" A voice asked. He shifted a bit and stretched across the couch. He still had a bit of a headache, but nothing compared to what he had earlier. His bleeding had stopped and he could feel bandages stretch and retract as he moved around. He opened his eyes and saw Angelina hovering over her with Abby just to the side.
     "You all passed the test, so you'll start as soon as you're all ready and Ricky recovers." Megan called over from somewhere. Ricky sat up and immediately got a rush of blood, almost putting him back on the couch.
     "Well, I guess I'll need a speedy recovery because I want to start now." Ricky smiled.

A Hunter x Hunter Parody - Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now