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@monty.dlc: I thought there wasnt a bitch uglier than her but then she introduced me to her dog

Tagged: @zavrina_walker

@zcnobia @rhyderwcampbell and 1349 others liked // 56 comments

@zavrina_walker: Did you just insult Klaus...?

@hotcocoagal: ^ get ready to die

@thebrycewalker: get ready 4 me to fucking kill u

@zcnobia: protective/ angry bryce is hot

@zavrina_walker: Niklaus's collar costs more than your entire wardrobe put together, multiplied by 6. He eats out of jeweled bowls. His crap is worth more than your life. He is a GOD. Insult him again and I will cut off the tiny excuse of a penis. Goodbye.

@getbakedbaker: I AM DYING.

@damagedstandall: A Walker I like? Shook.

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