Beautiful smile

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"Auntie!" My niece called, running towards me. Whilst crashing into my legs I pretended to be taken back and fell over. Her cute giggle was enough to make me crack out a vibrant smile.
"If I can catch you, you're going to have to get me an ice cream!" I shouted.
"No, no, no! If I catch YOU, you're going to have to get ME and ice cream," my niece giggled excessively, heaving herself from the floor. I let out a playful scream and started stumbling around the place, causing an eruption of laughter.
Whilst I was running slowly in circles, I noticed a passer by smiling at me intently as if he was watching us in awe.
At least he doesn't find me ridiculous.
"I'm catching up to you!" My niece squealed behind me.
"Oh no! You're going to catch me!" I exclaimed and fell to the floor. She suddenly bounced on me, laughing hysterically.
"I've got you!" She screeched in my ear. I winced slightly as I felt the high pitched notes tingle my ear drum.
"I guess I'm getting you ice cream then," I smiled, lifting her off me whilst standing up, "shall we go now?"
"No! I want to play hide and seek, you have to fine ME!" With that she ran off further into the park.
I noticed the passer by looking in my direction with a wide grin plastered on his face. Aw, he looks so sweet.
I, myself grinned and started counting loudly so my niece could hear me.
A light chuckle was heard when I spun my head around; I realised that it was the passer by laughing at me. I huffed a little bit before storming over to him.
"Are you laughing at me?" I mused with a shrill tone, pretending to be angry.
He gasped, holding both of his hands in the air, "I would never," soon after I saw his gleaming teeth as he smiled widely.
I pouted before sitting next to him, "have you seen my niece anywhere?"
The guy took a sneaky glance to his left before smirking suspiciously, "not at all!"
"Ugh, liar!" I gave him a playful slap on his arm, folding mine across my chest.
"You seem really good with kids," he stated admiringly.
"Well, I'm used to them. I find that I can relate to them better, without having to play a false act," I said, turning to face him, "have you been observing me this whole time then?"
"I was just strolling by, and noticed how compatible you were with your niece. I admire that," the boy looked at me, a small smile gliding across his lips.
"That's ever so sweet," I cooed and pinched his cheek.
"Ow, that hurts!" He exclaimed, gripping his cheek afterwards, stroking them tenderly.
All I did was laugh before speaking, "I've never come across someone who understands my childishness."
"I guess this world has more expectations from us and we lose who we are along the way," he sighed, "what's your name then?"
"Nam Sungrin, and you?"
"Kim Myungjun, nice to meet you," he stuck out his hand. I took it eagerly and shook it, my hand somehow tingling, "you know you should come by to the nursery some day."
"Hmm, I'm not sure. That might be too much responsibility," I chuckled, "why?"
"Because I work there, and it'd be nice to have a bit of help."
"I'll think about it, here," I took my phone out and showed him my number, "contact me."
His face suddenly lit up, and an excited expression formed in his eyes. Once typing it in on his phone there came a slight cough from behind the bench.
"Huh? Is that you my dear niece?" I said in a childish tone, I looked behind the bench and saw her sitting on the floor with a mischievous grin on her face, "I found you then!" I sprung up and took her in my arms, swinging her about.
"I like that boy," my niece stated once I'd placed her on the ground. Myungjun turned around and smiled, "I like you too!"
She giggled and hid her face in my leg.
"I'll see you later then Myungjun!" I exclaimed, "remember to contact me when you're in need of help!" With a wave I walked out of the park with my niece, heading towards the ice cream shop.
What's this fluttery feeling in my stomach? I've never experienced this before...
The perfect smile of Kim Myungjun stuck in my mind and I couldn't help but smirk to myself whenever I replayed our conversation.
A week had passed and I couldn't stop thinking about him; he'd sent a text message the day after we'd met and I felt as if my world had miraculously improved. I realised how we were both smiley people with similar characteristics, and it made me think to myself whether I'd found the right one.
He messaged me saying that a school field trip had been planned and he'd need help keeping the children in control. Of course I agreed, however I felt slightly nervous because I would be spending the whole day with Myungjun. I still couldn't grasp the emotion I was experiencing every time I thought of him, every time he messaged me; it was a new feeling and I just couldn't decide what it was.
Today was the day of the school trip, and I ensured to get up extra early to arrive on time. Slipping on some comfy jeans and a baggy t-shirt, I laced up my trainers and grabbed my bag.
"Where are you going dear?" My mum called from the living room.
"I'm just helping a friend out with a school trip," I shouted back, taking a sip of water.
"Oh how lovely! Be careful though, it's said to be extremely warm today."
"Okay mum! I'll see you later then!" With that I went out of the door and looked at the sheet of paper with the location of the nursery, "how on earth am I going to find this place?" I sighed, starting to walk.
Arriving at last, I could see a coach with all the children lined up, Myungjun standing at the front of the line, ticking off each name of the child that hopped onto the coach.
"Kim Myungjun!" I shouted, jogging towards him. He turned around and smiled brightly once he saw me. I noticed how he wore a sweat band, strands of his hair falling over it, and I had to admit that he looked... nice.
"Hi there Sungrin!" He beamed, "now guys, I'd like you all to be nice and friendly to Sungrin today as she's helping us."
I looked at all of the children and smiled widely, "hi there guys!"
"HELLO!" They all shouted back.
Once aboard the bus, I and Myungjun sat at the front after checking that everyone's seat belts were securely on.
"Wow... so many kids," I sighed, resting my head back on the seat.
"I'm glad you could come today and help me though," Myungjun patted my hand, resting it there for a while. My heart was strangely pounding and going at an unusual speed. Geez, what's wrong with me?
"Haha... it's okay," I tried acting casual by patting his hand in return. We both stared at each other for some time until a child screeched.
My cheeks flared a new shade of red as I abruptly snatched my hands back to my lap, looking down. Myungjun just chuckled and responded, "kids, you're embarrassing her!"
"Aw! You two are a nice couple!" Another kid shouted.
What the hell! Couple?!
I let out a nervous laugh and stared forward, noticing the driver smirking slightly too.
The day was in fact extremely warm, and I had to sit under a tree once we'd trekked around the site.
"Why is it so warm?" I gasped, wafting my hand in front of my face.
"That's where this sweat band comes in handy," I heard Myungjun's voice say. I just laughed and gulped some water down, still being attentive to the children sat or running around the area.
"I'm thankful for your help by the way," he said whilst sitting down next to me.
"It's okay, these kids are really hard work though."
"Tell me about it..." he paused, sounding as if he wanted to continue what he was saying.
I looked at him earnestly, waiting for him to carry on.
"Would you consider meeting up for a coffee some time?" He asked hurriedly. For some strange reason I could feel my body heating up more than it already was. Why am I so jittery inside?
"I-erm... yeah sure why not!" I spat out and smiled weakly.
"Okay, good!" His face beamed, and I swore I could see a light pinkish glow creep up his cheeks. I giggled slightly, not being able to contain my awe for his cuteness.
"When would you like to meet?"
"Tomorrow maybe? I don't have to be at the nursery."
"Sure thing, I'd love that!" I exclaimed optimistically. Argh why does my heart feel like it's going to explode?
The day had eventually finished, and it was safe to say that I was completely exhausted.
"Once again, thank you for helping me," Myungjun bowed in appreciation, looking back up at me, "let me walk you home!"
"Ah there's no need, it's okay," I smiled lightly, about to turn around.
"I insist! It's getting dark anyway," he exclaimed, taking hold of my arm. I looked up at the sky, it was still fairly bright...
Is he using that as an excuse for something?
"Okay, okay!" I sighed, chuckling slightly. And so we walked home, joking around the occasional time, mainly just gazing ahead of us, sometimes glancing at each other and smiling.
We soon arrived at my house and bid our goodbyes.
"I'll message you the time and place for tomorrow!" He exclaimed giddily, waving until I'd entered my home.
Just as I was about to go upstairs my mum stopped me by saying, "who's that lovely young man?"
"Oh, he's just the friend I helped today," I responded.
I heard my mum mutter, "that's what they all say," I laughed to myself before getting ready for bed.
The next day came by quicker than I expected, and for once I was struggling with what to wear.
"Why has it suddenly become so god damn hard?!" I said frustratedly to myself. A dress would be too much, a hoodie with jeans would be too plain... "I suppose a denim skirt with this crop top would be in between both?"
Finally settling with that choice I dabbed on some light makeup and took a small bag with me, "okay mum, I'm heading out!"
"Off to meet that boy are we?" She said in the doorway.
"Oh how did you guess?" I said sarcastically, giving her a mischievous smile.
"Tsk, the tone you use with me is unacceptable," she smiled and gave me a quick hug before I departed.
I followed the directions that Myungjun had given me and eventually arrived at the coffee shop. I peered through the window and noticed him sat near the back of the shop. I sent him a message saying I'd arrived and entered, making my way towards his table.
"Hi Myungjun!" I mused, sitting opposite him.
"Hey there Sungrin," he paused and stared at me for a while. Can he stop looking at me, it's making my stomach flip!
"What are you looking at?" I stated childishly, crossing my arms.
"Y-you look really n-nice today," he looked down sheepishly.
"Well don't I look nice every day?" I said in a defensive tone, flipping my hair. He laughed at me, his teeth dazzling me as he smiled.
"Yes... yes you do," he gazed into my eyes before continuing, "let's order then shall we?"
We'd ordered a light snack with some coffee and started talking a lot of nonsense, which I found quite comforting. My heart was still leaping whenever I caught him staring at me like something he adored, but overall I felt like I could be who I was in front of him without being judged. I hope he felt the same way...
"Let's take a walk in the park shall we?" He suggested once he'd paid the bill.
"Ooo yes!" I squealed, and shot up from my chair, dragging him along with me. He showed me a different park from the one that I'd been to with my niece, and it was filled with blossom trees, "wow... it's so nice here," I breathed, spinning around in a circle. We walked down the path together, creating small talk until I spotted a squirrel, "oh look! It's a squirrel!" I suddenly dashed in its direction, feeling like an utter child when I found myself running after it; I was grinning like a fool when I watched it climb up a tree.
"You really are something," Myungjun said behind me. I swivelled around, feeling my cheeks blush.
"Aw look, you're blushing," he stated, pinching my cheeks.
"H-hey, I'm not!" I protested, hitting his chest lightly.
"Ah you're so cute," he sighed looking me in the eyes, "you have the most beautiful smile too."
"Huh?" I said, quite startled by his abrupt compliment.
"I think I like you, Nam Sungrin," my heart was thumping against my chest harder than before when those words left his mouth, and I somehow felt mesmerised by his gaze.
He carefully placed his hands on my shoulders, hesitantly moving closer. My muscles were completely frozen so I couldn't protest in any way. My eyes were peeled open until the softness of his lips connected with mine, sending a whole new sensation through my body. Is this what love feels like?
A gush of wind blew and numerous petals littered themselves around us. Ah this is a perfect scene!
Placing my hands around his waist I kissed back, completely smiling on the inside feeling like the most happy girl alive. I was completely right in saying that Kim Myungjun was the right one, because he understood my personality and admired it. Along with that, his smile never faltered, and I found that the most beautiful thing in the world.
A/N: Hi guys! So this is the end of my Astro one shots, I do hope that you readers enjoyed this (even though I'm not that popular) however I'm not fussed by that because I genuinely enjoy writing these without being judged... hopefully.
I'm not too sure why the MJ one shot ended up to be longer than the other's, I guess the plot was a lot more complex... and also MJ is one of my favourites from Astro, along with Eunwoo; I think I've told you my equal love for both, so don't make me decide!
Anyway, this ended up being the more ridiculous, childish ones (much like MJ) so I hope you don't cringe too much. ANYWAY GOODBYE AND SEE YOU IN MY FUTURE FAN FICTIONS!

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