I arrived at the hospital and I sat in the waiting room. I had no idea what was coming for me.. or if it would be good or not.
"Hello Carla!" the nurse said to me.
"Hi," I responded.
"So today I'm going to take your blood pressure, sample some blood, and give you a shot, will that be alright?" she smiled.
Obviously I couldn't say it wasn't alright so I just nodded my head.
She left the room.
I sat on the bed that was in there. Eventually I lied down on the bed until she got back.
When she did come back she wheeled a cart cart in with needles and all that random doctor stuff that scared me just a bit. I pushed my blonde curls out of my face and rolled up my sleeves. Which arm are you taking from?
"You pick sweetie"
"Uhh.. left?"
"Sounds great!"
She took things off the cart and reorganized all of her things. She slipped on some blue medical gloves and put together the needle, she set it down and rubbed my arm with cleaning alcohol and set down the little towel and picked back up the needle, she slowly put it in my arm and took out the blood she needed. She took the needle out of my arm and put a bandaid on it.
"Nice job, I will be right back, I need to go take some tests on your blood and I will be back to give you your shots" she said wheeling the cart to the side and carrying away the needle that just got shoved into my arm.
I rubbed my arm a bit to try to get the stinging to go away. It worked a little.
"You alright Carla?" my mom asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine." we both smiled.
●20 minutes after our coversation●
The nurse opened the door with my doctor.. they both had worried looks on their faces. The nurse started to cry.
"W-what happened?" my mom asked.
"I'm afraid your daughter has a sign of cancer." he said holding his hands behind his back, his head was down. A tear slid from my eye to my hand. I didn't even know that I was crying. I looked up and my mom had her hands in her face, I could hear her sobs.
"Can it be cured?" she asked, her voice sounded like she had been punched in the stomach.
"I'm afraid not, your daughter has a year to live." his strait faced turned into a frown.
I didn't know what I was supposed to do anymore.