Chapter 3

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"Well if it isn't Nari Young! It's been forever since you've been down here! What to good for me now?" I look towards the voice and chuckle. "Nice to see you to Ricky." Ricky smiles and I swear the room brightens. He's one of the most charming and sweet people you'll ever meet. He's tall and his hair is a dark brown, if you look at him when the light hits him just right his hair almost looks black, and he has the best ocean blue eyes you've ever seen. Ricky is one handsome guy, but guys are all the same. Deep down they only want one thing. Sex. Maybe in a perfect world I would've asked Ricky if he'd like to grab a coffee or go out to dinner but the fact of the matter is is falling in love is dangerous. When you have the kind of job I have you can't afford to fall in love, therefore I've never tried anything with Ricky. Besides, I don't have those feelings for him. He's one of the few men in this world I don't loathe and I wouldn't want to ruin that with something as messy as dating. There have only been 3 guys that I can stand talking to, one of them is dead, the other is off taking a year vacation somewhere tropical (lucky bastard), and the other is Ricky. Don't believe me? Ask any of the guys around my work besides Ricky. Ask any of the guys I come in contact with and have to talk to for any period of time. They'll all tell you that they get the "I think she hates me vibe" and they would be right.
I look back up to Ricky who was grabbing a tray full of things. He picked four things and inspected them. Seemingly satisfied he put the tray back and looked up and me with a smile. "These are all the major things you'll need. You won't necessarily use them all, but it's better safe to have them." I looked over everything. 2 of the objects I wasn't familiar with but one of them looked like a watch and the other I knew right away. "A taser? You don't think I already have one of those?" I asked dumbfounded. Ricky looked up with an apologetic smile. "Sorry Nari. Chief wants you to have a spare. But besides that I have a feeling you've never used any of the other items have you?" I only nod. "Well I guess now I have to explain. This first one is a dart watch. It's actually pretty cool. All you have to do is turn the crown with your wrist facing forward and bam. Victim falls unconscious for 24 hours. Next up we have the explosive gum. I know it doesn't look like the regular gum but that's because we'll have to package this for you." I take a look at the explosive gum and it looks just like a little round metallic ball. Well damn. That's wicked. I small smile forms in my lips. I really hope I get to use that. "And last but not least, x-ray glasses. These are wicked cool. I'm not even joking. I've tried them before, so I think you'll get a kick out of them." I laughed.  "Ok, I'm gonna believe you Ricky. Still though, do I really need a spare taser? Can't you trade it for something cool?" I asked sticking my bottom lip out. He chuckled, "Ok I'll make you a deal. I'll add in one more thing if you visit me more. I was starting g to think you forgot I existed!" Laughing I nod my head in a 'yes' motion. Ricky turned around and pulled out one more thing. "Truth serum. I know it's nothing fancy but trust me this little sucker could be of more use to you than all the others. It's the best I can do. If the Chief sees something more advanced missing she'll kick my ass!" Laughing, I grab all the objects and my newly wrapped  explosive gum and tuck them all into my bag. "Well Ricky it's been nice. Don't cry too much when I'm gone." I smirk at him then disappear out the door.

I walk out of the Agency and stand on the sidewalk. Well I guess I'm on my own from here. The Chief never said anything about how to get to the airport. She just gave me the ticket and left. Great. I walk a little further down the sidewalk when I hear my last name being shouted. "Young!!! Hey Young! Look this way you idiot!" Startled I looked around to find the source of the voice. Over in a lime green car there's a women waving her hands like a madman to get my attention. "Yeah you're looking the right way bimbo, now get your ass over here before I leave without you!" I look around then quickly make my way over to the car. I open the passenger door and hop in tossing my bag in the back. "Hey be careful would ya? This girls been through a lot and I'm not about to have her damaged from some hyped up spy. "Good to meet you too." I mumble. "I heard that." I look over to her glaring. "Well I'd at least like to know your name if you won't say hi." She scrutinizes me then finally she turns back to the road. "My name is Agent Queens. Happy? You better get used to me. I'll be with you more than you'll think." I turn to her and then it clicks. "You're my guardian angel?" She snorts. "Your what now? Listen Young-"
"Call me Nari."
"Nari, whatever the hell you think I am, in your case 'guardian angel', I'm just doing my job. I've been called a lot worse than that, and quite frankly it's a nice change. But the point is whether you like me or not, I'm here to help you. So glare at me all you want, but you're gonna need me in this case."
I study her quizzically then finally I sighed. "Fine. I don't like it but maybe, just maybe I can deal with it long enough for me to catch this 'criminal mastermind'."
She chuckles. "Sounds good too me."

Half an hour later, Queens parks the car. "This is your stop." I look around. Wow, didn't expect to arrive here so quickly. "Aren't  you coming?" I ask hopping out if the car. "Who me? No. I'm just here to keep an eye on you, and make sure you don't get yourself killed. That's why you've been given an earpiece. As much as I'd like to be out in the field, I'm better behind the silver screen." I nod and close the door. I turn and start to walk when she calls my name out. "Nari!" I turn back to face her.
"Go kick her ass."
I small smile spreads across my lips. I turn without another word and continue walking towards the airport.

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