Chapter 13

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We arrived at the restaurant and my mouth started to water at the sight. We started walking towards it when I stopped dead in my tracks.
"Haeundae Smokehouse?"
He turns back around to me, a slight blush creeping up on his cheeks.
"Yeah, I hope this is okay?"
I grinned from ear to ear.
"I haven't been here in forever! This is amazing! It didn't even cross my mind when we were on the plane!"
He chuckles and opens the door for me.
"Shall we then?"
I shake my head vigorously in a 'yes' motion and practically run inside.

The food was amazing. I was practically wolfing down everything on my plate. When I finished, I sighed happily with a lazy grin plastered on my face. I looked over to Chin-sun who was smirking at me.
"Enjoy your food?" He started to laugh at how I had eaten.
At first I glared at him but eventually found myself laughing along with him.
"Yeah yeah, whatever."
We left the restaurant and decided to just wander around for a bit since the night was so nice. The warm breeze felt comforting, especially since I was nowhere close to finding a way to kill Fiona.
Chin-sun's voice cut through the quiet atmosphere.
"So." I repeated after him waiting for him to continue. When he didn't, I continued for him.
"About Fiona..." I saw him furrow his eyebrows while I continued.
"Have you decided to end things?"
He gave a half-hearted chuckle.
"Yes? No? Maybe?" He let out a deep sigh. "I want to break up with her."
There's a but isn't there however?
"But I'm not so sure if that's the right move to make."
My eyebrows jump up surprised. Immediately, my mouth moves automatically without my brain really processing what I was doing.
"Not the right move? How can you say that? She cheated on you. Don't you see? She cheated. She's betrayed your trust and you're unsure if breaking up with her is right? Okay, so what if you don't break up with her? What then? Will she confess to you and you guys can move on like nothing ever happened? Or what if, she cheats on you again? What then? Just keep pretending that you're in the dark? Keep being hurt by her? Just because she's dating you, doesn't mean that she doesn't consider you the other guy-"
I hear a soft sob escape his lips and I shut up immediately. Did I just...make him cry? I look over to him to see tears streaming down his face and him trying to control the sobs pleading to be let out.
"I k-know Katlyn. I KNOW." He shouted the last part, his legs buckling beneath him causing him to collapse on the ground. "Don't you see? I know all of that. Don't you understand? I love her. Do you honestly think, that it's that simple? Maybe it is, but it makes it harder because I love her. I want to accept the fact that she doesn't love me back, but it's a hard truth to swallow, even thinking about it makes me cry."
I just stood there, speechless. What should I say? Should I comfort him? Hug him? Tell him it'll be alright? I sake my head. No. Nothing I say will make him feel better. It's best I let him be. So that's exactly what I did. I didn't say or do anything. I just stood there letting him cry. When he finally stood up, he mumbled a "I should get going," then left. Again, I didn't do anything. I just watched his back as he walked away. Although I'd done nothing wrong, I felt a pang of guilt. Maybe I should've done something...? I felt something warm roll down my cheek and realized it was a tear. Am I...crying? I wiped away the tear that fell and tried my best to collect myself.

Walking back to the hotel I had a lot of time to think, unfortunately. Unfortunately, because most of my thoughts were about Chin-sun. Usually I enjoyed thinking, It calmed me. Not today however. Today was just a bunch crap thoughts making me feel crappier than before. I couldn't help but think back to my first relationship. Yes I know. The girl who could never again trust a guy after what she's been through has been in a relationship? Yes quite frankly she has. Actually, it wasn't really something I wanted to do at the beginning....

A colleague of mine, Rebecca Black, was quite the catch. She was one of those people who you loved and hated at the same time, and my best friend. One of my only friends. When you've been given the nickname 'Cold Hearted Bitch', don't expect a lot of friends. Expect for more people to clear your path than actually approach you. Rebecca was always whining about my "guy problem"-as she called it-and she was determined to fix it. No matter if in the end I strangled her. Recall how I said I'd never told anyone about what happened to me after my parents death or even how they died for that matter? Well, that's a bit of a lie. The only person I've ever told was Rebecca. She was very understanding, but somewhere along the way got it in her head that she could fix my "guy problem". The solution? Online dating. Let me tell you this, working with the S.T.K., you don't have things like Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat. If you do, everything is fake. All your information, pictures, everything. So I never saw the point. Rebecca however was another case. She had every social media you can think of. Why? She usually said it was because she had to keep up to date with recent affairs worldwide. She had done online dating before, and that was the only time she ever released her actual information except her job, hobbies, skills, etc. When it came to online dating, Rebecca was an idiot. She was a hopeless romantic, which was fine, until she started online dating. So if she was doing it, It made sense to her that I do it too! In the end, she did find a guy for me, and though I told her the guy might be dead at the end of the day, she forced me to that café he was waiting at. Every bone in my body ached with nervous energy; this was extremely dangerous when you worked in the kind of business I did, yet here I was, on a date. I admit, the guy was nice, but I still didn't trust him. I almost automatically was disgusted yet intrigued by him. So, in the end, I planned to never see him again, until later that night a got a message from an unknown number. It was from him. What was his name again? Right...Kacey. Kacey Myers.

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