Chapter 5: Breaking Again

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I've been in this retched room for 13 Hours. I couldn't hear anything, not a creak or a heartbeat. I've repeatedly checked the window but where Niall's room is placed, all I see is flowers and a stone wall. I'm starting to get hungry but I dare not go outside. Who knows what Niall would do? Or anyone for that fact. I lay my head on his bead and it smells like vanilla and mint. I hear whispers outside of the door, waking me from my deep thoughts. It stopped but I heard 2 heartbeats from outside the door. Then two knocks are heard on the thick wooden door. I hold my breath and I stay in one place. They start banging and I start to panic. Niall locked the door but they could knock it down. The banging went on and on. Then the door came down with dust and hinges flinging from under the heavy block of wood. I scramble to my feet. In front of me stood 2 men. Not to scrawny and not to buff. The one had black hair and piercing green eyes. The other guy had blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Is she a shifter? A wolf?" The blonde guy asks.

"How should I know?" The other guy asks. They creep up to me and I pretend I never heard then. They stop right at the end of the bed.

"Are you a wolf?" They ask. I shake my head no.

"Good she's not a threat. An outsider probably brought her to be transformed." The Black hair guy said. I raise an eyebrow in a questionable way. The more they think that I know nothing, the better luck i'll have. They grab my arms swinging me. I struggle not showing off my full power. They bring me outside of Niall's comforting room and into sight of the castle. I gasp seeing dead soldiers and Wolves everywhere. Blood staining the already red carpets and bodies scattered along everywhere. I catch a glimpse of a large golden sandy wolf lying still in the center. Tears water my eyes and my breath hitches into my throat. My body weakens and I can hardly move. The people drop me next to the staircase and walk away. Then the blonde talks.

"Stay here, We'll be back in 30

Minutes to round up more survivors." I smirk and sit hiding my face. After they leave I crawl downstairs to Niall's battered body. I Look at his face and my eyes widen. I see his chest rise and lower slowly. I cry into his fur and grab onto his body.

"Wake up Niall. You're strong, you're supposed to beat everyone! You're barely an alpha. You left me and now strangers and going to take me, away from you. Away from everyone." I whisper. I hear a growl grumble deep from his chest. I hear footsteps stumble down the long corridor. I think quickly taking both hands onto a blood filled puddle on the marble. I spread it everywhere on my body and face ripping my clothes and take my nails tearing at my skin, ripping it, making me bleed. I ruffle my hair, knotting it and I slow my heart beat to almost nothing. I lay down and close my eyes not daring to breath. The men walk downstairs grumbling.

"Looks like a fellow rouge killed her before us." One of them chuckles. I hear footsteps until they stop at my head. Then a foot impacts repeatedly in my ribs and head. I don't move, or breath, or wince, I stay still and they leave. I wait until the stillness takes overt the kingdom once more.


PSSA'S ARE ALMOST OVER WOOO!!!! Since your long wait I made a long chapter! Bye Lovelies.





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