Chapter 4

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A chill ran through me as soon as he shut his front door.

"Hey, give me your jacket. I can hang it on the rack," he said.

I handed it over while taking in his house for the billionth time. The familar scent brought back so many childhood memories. I didn't realize how much I missed this place until I saw a picture frame of his mom.

Ethan's mom had a weak heart since she was born. She grew up in and out of hospitals until one day, the doctors said she was free from her monthly visits. Her heart suddenly began to work on it's own without the need of medical care. And for a while, it did. But starting a new life and especially giving birth weakened her heart more than before. Her monthly visits turned to weeks and then every other day. I should know, I was always at their house playing with Ethan. She died at a very young age, but she never seemed afraid of it. Dying, I mean. From what I can remember, she was always a kind person. I never saw her get angry. Then again, I only got to spend time with her for most of my childhood.

Her death hit Ethan pretty hard, but he never truly showed it. Once I found out of her passing, I rushed over to his house. He was in his room by the play area, but he wasn't holding his toys. Instead, in his hand was the golden locket that she had given him for his past birthday.

"Ethan... You okay?" I asked.

He just sat there on the floor staring at the locket.

"I didn't even get to take a picture with her. I kept forgetting. And now this is just an empty locket."

I came to him and dropped a petal from her favorite flower inside.

"I picked it out from your front yard. She always loved roses. But, you know you don't need a picture to remind you of her. She's always gonna be here."

"In my locket?" He asked.

"No, dumby. In your heart."

I placed my hand on his chest and he started to smile again.

"Thanks, Ella."

After that, I was at his house everyday. Once school finished, I'd run to the front gate just so that he wouldn't wait too long for me. Then we'd walk over to his place and just have fun. In time, he forgot what it was like to lose his mother, since he had gained a good friend.

"You listening to me or are you just fazing out again?"

"Oh! Sorry Ethan, I was actually fazing out."

"Well, I asked if you were okay? You didn't seem so when we bumped into each other."

"Yeah, sorry about that too. I felt like someone was following me, even though I kept seeing no one there."

"What about Cara? Why didn't she walk you home? Or drop you off."

"She had gotten sick from eating so much doughnuts that I had to drive her car back home and get her settled in. She was willing to drop me off, but I figured I'd walk it back. My house was only a couple blocks away."

"A couple blocks may seem like more, especially if you're walking it alone. Next time just catch the bus here. Or better yet, call me."

"Aren't you usually busy? I mean, hanging out with Jessica. I wouldn't want to seem like a burden to you guys," I said.

"It doesn't matter to us. You're well-being is more important. Besides, when was the last time you third wheeled?"

Uh, all my life asshole.


He cleaned up his living room a bit and put on a station. His house wasn't nessecarily dirty, since it was usually just him here. His dad, Quinn, was hardly home due to work. He's always working long hours and comes home in the early morning.

"Just make yourself comfortable. Mi casa es su casa."

I sat down on his couch watching a rerun of a baseball game as he headed to the kitchen. He came back with a couple of snacks, mostly chocolates.

"Let me guess, she's on her monthly," I said.

"Oh man, you have no idea. She always calls me up asking if I could buy her chocolates. I just get whatever is on the shelf. This is all the ones she didn't get to yet, but I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind you eating it."

"You sure? I don't want to get inbetween a girl and her chocolate."

I should know. Everytime my mom took away my chocolate when it was my monthly, I'd always get pissed and throw the biggest bitch fit. It ain't pretty.

"El, trust me. You're good."

I began eating it, starting with my favorite one: chocolate truffles. Damn, it was like heaven on earth. I even started getting into the baseball game when I heard the shower go on.

It was faint, but I swear I heard it. I positioned myself to the sound coming from upstairs, and I definetly confirmed it. Ethan was taking a shower.

If I was a normal person, I wouldn't care. But I'm the most curious person you'll ever meet. So, stupid me decided to head upstairs and snoop around his room.

It was kinda messy, but not that bad. His clothes were in a bunch on the floor and there were papers scattered across his desk. It was mostly flyers to come out to his gigs at Andy's. His room seemed so fascinating to look at, especially with posters of his band plastered on his wall. He plays in a small contemporary rock band, but he always said it wasn't like anyone knew them. They weren't "famous". Biggest lie I ever heard. Everyone in this town, know's of the JETTs. My grandma even know's them, and she doesn't even know when my birthday is.

In the corner of his room stood the guitar he usually plays with. I began to walk to it when I heard the shower faucet turn off. I hurried out of his room and down the stairs. I didn't even get halfway down when I heard him come out.

"Sorry for taking the bathroom. It's open if you wanna use it," He said.

I slowly turned around and saw that he was half naked. The only thing covering him was the towel around his waist. Damn, did he look hot. He even smelled amazing, especially after coming out of the shower.

Get it together, Ella!

"Oh, no it's alright! I was just gonna tell you I'm leaving. "

He started to come to me, naked and everything.

"You sure? It's not a problem if you wanted to stay longer. You just got here!"

"Nahh, I'm sure you've got better things to do."

He got closer and then put his hands on my shoulders. His body inches from mines.

"Really, El. It's fine."

I'm gonna die from holding my breath this long.

"Oh, ok. Nevermind then."

I couldn't even face him. My face felt so hot and he was so close to me. I kept sneaking glances at his body as well. And man, he put in work.

"Great!" He said. "I wanted to watch a movie with you anyways."

"Don't tell me."

"Oh, yes."

'I'll never let go, Jack!'

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