chpt. 4

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I woke up to the vicious shaking of Davids hands around my arms.

"It's the last day hun, we leave in an hour"

Without opening my eyes I managed to get up from the bed and jumped into the shower. The hot water struck my back leaving tingles down my spine.

My eyes shot open knowing I would see him today. His lust filled eyes. Feeling his touch again. I sighed and quickly got out of the shower and got ready.

We made it at the venue and I wasn't in the mood to meet or do anything by this point. I was exhausted and my head was pounding.

David grabbed my hand once more from the picnic table I was sitting at.

"Can we go, David?" My eyes were droopy.

"What, no we've been here for like an hour. Did you see everyone you wanted to meet?" he looked at me, concerned.

I rolled my eyes slowly, "yep, I'm done."

David smirked, "what about, Ethan?"

"There's no point. It wasn't serious, we hugged and bumped into each other nothing serious like you said. Everyone does it." I partially tried believing that wasn't true, and David did too.

David grabbed his bag and mine and walked off waiting for me to join after him, knowing it was time to go. My eyes followed him and so did my legs.

I slowly pushed my way through some people when someone grabbed my arm,

"Wait, Sabrina?." A deep voice called after me. My eyes traveled up to his face. Ethan.

"Ethan.." I whispered but his grip was pulled away and we drifted from each other.


On our flight home the next morning, I was mostly sleeping or looking at everyone from social media and their pictures.

I spotted one of Ethan and a girl that was recently posted. I smiled, remembering his face.

By the time we got to my house it was 12:40am and I slumped onto the couch.

David quietly set my bags down, "text me tomorrow or later today, whenever." He smiled and quietly left.

I decided to immediately head to bed.

It was around 3 am when I eventually woke up. I grabbed my phone my the table next to me and went into the kitchen to get some water.

*tweet tweet*

My twitter messages went off. I looked at my phone confused as to why I was getting a message at 3 am.

E: hey, is this.. Sabrina?

My breath hitched.

S: how did you find me.

E: i managed to get some help ;)

My eyes widened. I was shocked. No. This isn't happening.

S: By who? why?

E: Don't worry about it, i found you, right? i couldn't lose you.

S: I, I just got home a few hours ago. Why are you texting me so late.

I felt like my responses were so rude. But I didn't understand. None of this made sense to me.

E: I'll text you in the morning Sabrina. Expect it. you need your rest anyways. :) goodnight.

And I left it at that.

he's so precious.

Ahh, hello. Okay umm this still was kinda short and stupid lmao.

lmk suggestions :)


twitter messages ∣ ethan dolanWhere stories live. Discover now