▲ 9 | Enigmatic ▲

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Chapter 9 - Enigmatic ◬
◬ Unedited ◬
• Enigmatic •
'difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious.'

"Let's make a deal."

You turned to Bill. "A deal? How would that work? You don't have you- ohhhhh."

He rolled his eye. "Yeesh, you learnt everything about the universe and you're still dumber than me."

You frowned, and raised an eyebrow. "This whole thing- it's kind of messed with my head a bit. I'm surprised that I'm taking it all in so calmly."

"So, about that deal?"

"What's the catch?" You questioned, curious about how exactly he would go about this.

"Tell me what you want first." Bill's eye glossed over and stared at you.

"Uh-" What did you really want? You racked your brain, looking for ideas on what you could benefit from.

"I want to clear something up first. I sto- er, gained your abilities right? I didn't take your knowledge which came from them, so you've still got plenty more experience than I do."

"That's right toots, what's that you're looking for?"

"Do you maybe think you can help me build a portal that leads into another dimension?" You stated bluntly, wincing at your own words.

Bill's only eye widened in shock. How lucky could he be?

He turned his back to you, pretending to think about it. If he does get his side of the deal, then he'll also gain more from your part. This was too perfect.

Seeing as he was unresponsive, you continued. "It's something I've been planning on for a while, and I need someone to help advance my studies. Considering you're probably like a trillion years old."

Bill turned around, his hands held behind his back.

"You've convinced me!" He felt himself waver at the slight déjà vu. "Now how about me?"

"Well, what do you want? Just your powers back?"

Bill faltered.

"I need a vessel. I'm still in the mindscape and only you can see me. I need access to the physical world."

"You want a human body? Is that what you're implying?"

Bill contemplated it for a second again. It's the best he's got.

"That, and your powers. Done." You replied.

Sticking your hand out confidently, you let a F/C fire erupt out of your palms, covering it in bright flames.

Bill's hands clasped yours, and you shook them up and down.



"B/N!" You called, jiggling your keys out of the front door and ignoring the echo that replied back to you. "Shit," you muttered, struggling to take your keys back. "Language."

"You're not my babysitter, if anything, you seem to be the one that would need to be taken care of considering you seem to have the maturity of a 4 year old." You snapped, instantly regretting it.

"Geez, calm down toots. I was just joking around."

"Yeah yeah, I know, that was a bit uncalled for, I'm sorry."

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