▲ 12 | Satirical ▲

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Lmao, saddened that none of you noticed but in chapter 1, when the reader wakes up from her dream, I wrote the time she woke up at as 3:26, which is Bill's creature number

Chapter 12 - Satirical ◬
◬ Unedited ◬
• Satirical •
'sarcastic, critical, and mocking another's weaknesses.'

"I want to pay a little visit first - to good ol' Pinetree."


You had somehow made a compromise with Bill, and said that he could do whatever he likes, only after the two of you parted and completed both sides of the deal. Meaning that Bill couldn't harm Dipper or Mabel for whatever reason for the time being, but the both of you did agree to only introducing him to the twins - Because you knew that Bill wasn't going to stop annoying you about it.

"Bill, you had teleportation and apportion right?"


"I don't have my car anymore, because something stole it," you whispered the last part under your breath. "We need to go to the Mystery Shack one way or another. I am a liiittle worried if I try to teleport the both of us though, especially with an extra person. We don't want only half of us to be transported."

"I don't know about you, but I think I'd thoroughly enjoy that."

"Of course you would. Come here, and put your arm around me. Somewhere, I don't care, just hold on."

"You're more forward than I thought, doll. You don't care?" Bill slithered his arm around your waist and pressed the side of your body against his, making you squeak. You safely assumed that he was going to put his arm around your shoulder, but nope.

Your face turned red at the sudden contact, but you brushed it away and managed to stutter out a sentence, "Y-yeah, now what next?"

Bill couldn't stop the large grin growing on his face, trying his best (and failing) to control his laugh from escaping his lips.

"What's so funny?" you asked, a little irritated.

"Nothing, nothing." Bill waved his hand in front of him in a dismissive manner.

"If it helps you sleep at night." You shrugged, knowing exactly why he was laughing.

"You know I don't sleep."

"So how do we teleport?" You changed the topic, and were increasingly becoming impatient and more embarrassed.

His fingers tightened around your waist and you felt yourself stiffen and straight up. "Focus on the place you want to go to, and envision both of us standing there. Focus so much that you believe you're already there."

You closed your eyes tightly and scrunched up your nose in concentration, picturing the both of you standing in front of the Mystery Shack. After a moment or two, you felt yourself go cold as Bill removed his grip on you.

"Nicely done doll. And look! I'm not cut up into a billion little pieces!"

You opened your eyes, surprised to see yourself at the Mystery Shack already. "Har har," you punched his arm softly, as the two of you walked over to the front door.

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