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Taehyung and Areum locked eye contact for 10 seconds which confused the people surrounding Taehyung

Areum immediately stopped locking eye contact as soon as she realized Taehyung was with a few of his friends and continue walking in a faster pace completely avoiding contact with Taehyung and his friends

"Oy that girl. She's been avoiding you since you got here hasn't she Taehyung?"

"Yeah Taehyung do you know her by chance?"

Taehyung looked back at Areum who was walking away and then looked towards the front again and placed his hands in his pockets and shrugged.

"Nope." Taehyung said and continued walking

•Flashback from 7 years ago today•

"NOOO! Taehyung don't leave!!!" Areum said her tears rushing down her cheeks continuously and her eyes already starting to puff as the time passed.

"Aiyah Areum! Why are you crying so hard?! Why are you already in love when you are still a child!" Areum's mom exclaimed nagging at Areum.

"NOOOO!!! TAEHYUNG!!" Areum exclaimed as she ignored what her mom was saying and ran towards Taehyung who was on the way inside the boarding area.

Taehyung looked back at Areum expressionless.

"T-Taehyung." Areum started hyperventilating and found it hard to breathe as she kept crying.

"Stop crying already." Taehyung said and turned to face her.

"Please please please don't leave!!!" Areum begged.

Taehyung paused and sighed. "It's not my choice and stop crying you're too loud."

"Please don't leave." Areum said silently this time.

"You're such a crybaby. You're already 13 and you cry this much?" Taehyung said and got a handkerchief from his bag and wiped Areum's wet face from all her tears.

"Ow ow you wipe too hard."

"Those were my ears when you kept screaming." Taehyung said as he stopped wiping and smiled as he saw Areum's face after he removed the handkerchief from her face.

"What?! I didn't wipe your ears!!" Areum exclaimed

"I meant that it hurts my ears when you keep screaming like that." Taehyung said.

"Oh.. Sorry."

"I'll be back." Taehyung said as he wrapped his arms around Areum.

Areum's eyes widened when Taehyung suddenly hugged her. He was never this touchy the past years Taehyung and Areum have been friends. Areum didn't know what to feel. Whether to be happy that he finally did something that was impossible to do at first, or be sad that it's going to be the last of it.

Areum tried to hold back her tears and as she spoke her voice cracked. "Promise?"

Taehyung hesitated answering that and Areum widened her eyes when he didn't answer fast and looked up at him.

"I'll be back." Taehyung said when Areum looked up at him.

Areum didn't say anything but wrapped her arms on Taehyung as well to hug him back.

The hug lasted short but for Areum, it felt like an eternity.

Taehyung smiled and unwrapped his arms around Areum and Areum did the same.

"I'll see you, okay?" Taehyung said then began to walk away.

"K-Kim Taehyung!" Areum said and walked towards Taehyung but before she could take another step, Taehyung threw the handkerchief he used on her to her face.

"Hey!!" Areum exclaimed and grabbed the handkerchief from her face

"Stop following me already." Taehyung said then walked towards his family who was already inside waiting for him.

"Are you okay, Taehyung?" His mom said as she looked at Taehyung worriedly

"Yeah, I'm fine." Taehyung said and sighed then looked behind to see if Areum was still there but she wasn't.

Taehyung looked down with a frown plastered on his face and sighed.

"I'm sorry Taehyung but this is for the best."

"I know I know." Taehyung replied and brushed off the pain he felt in his heart when he was around Areum who was crying. "It's just, she's the only one who cared for me that much."

•End of Flashback•

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