Chapter 1

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"So please everyone seperate to your respective groups." The teacher said and went out of the classroom.

Taehyung and I locked eye contact before we could sit down and stopped as soon as our groupmates called out to us. I can't believe of all that people I had to be groupmates with. It's with Taehyung. The last person I wanted to see, and the person I honestly never wanted to see again.

"Yah, you two. Do you two know each other?" J-hope said as he looked at the two of us suspiciously.

I pretended not to hear his words and sat down beside J-hope. Taehyung sat beside Minyeon who sat across J-hope.

"Oh my! Don't tell me you two are exes?!" J-hope exclaimed placing his hand on his cheeks.

"No!!!" I exclaimed but before I could say anything else, Taehyung cut me off.

"J-hope, I don't think it's the proper time to be talking about this." Taehyung said as he slouched on his seat placing his hands inside his pockets. "We only have a week to talk about this project and we can't properly have our meetings to talk about a discussion that is unimportant."

I widened my eyes at Taehyung's response then looked at how J-hope would respond.

"You're right, Tae." J-hope said his voice lower than usual.

I was shocked at how Taehyung was able to control other people's attitudes. He never really changed because he was like this as well when we were kids.

"A-anyways, let's start discussing." Minyeon interrupted as she placed a notebook on the table.

As we talked about our project, Taehyung surprisingly joined in as well and from the little Taehyung I knew, he would be sleeping right about now.

Suddenly, Taehyung stopped talking and looked at the dooor where two buff men stood by. They were wearing shades and how they appeared looked like two body guards. When the two guards saw that Taehyung has noticed them, they both left.

Taehyung stood up and got out of his seat quietly.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm going to the restroom." He said and walked towards the door where the two men once were.

I stared at him walking towards the door but stopped as I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Stop staring at him!! Get over him!" J-hope said as I turned to face him.

"Wh-wha?! He's not my ex-boyfriend! And I wasn't staring at him!" I exclaimed but not too loud since I didn't want people to look at us.

Please the last thing I want people to call us is that we were ex lovers which is super duper false.

"Seriously." I added and looked irritated at how J-hope kept smirking.

"Sure sure." J-hope said and continued doing what he did before bothering me.

I rolled my eyes then did my work as well and as time passed, Taehyung didn't come back to the classroom.

Minyeon noticed me continuously eyeing the door as if to check if Taehyung will enter through it and scoffed.

"Yes?" I said facing towards Minyeon.

"Do you want to check up on him?" Minyeon asked with a smile.

"What?" I said

"On Taehyung. You keep looking at the door." Minyeon said.

"O-oh!" I said embarrassed. "I wasn't- I was- There was a-" I said trying to think of a reply.

Minyeon giggled. "You can go if you want."

"No, I'm alright." I replied and continued my work

We continued doing our work and still as the time passed by, Taehyung didn't enter the classroom.

The bell rang and we all stood up from our seats and I compiled all of the papers we worked on and bid our goodbyes then Minyeon and J-hope left the classroom along with the other classmates.

As I was compiling papers into my bag which was time consuming, I noticed I had been doing that for 10 minutes. I didn't realize my group mates had done a ton of work when it's only been the first day.

When I finished compiling the papers, I walked towards the exit but stopped my pace only to see Taehyung by the door his hands inside his pockets.

"Yah. What are you standing there for looking cool." I said but he didn't reply.

"How long have you been standing there? If you were here in the span of 10 minutes, why didn't you help me?!" I said again but he didn't reply.

"Yah! Kim Taehyung!" I exclaimed walking towards him and he looked at me and I stopped walking.

"You do remember me." Taehyung said with a smirk.

"Wh-what?" I said as he walked towards me.

"Song Areum" Taehyung said and I widened my eyes in shock.

I can't believe it. I only said Kim Taehyung because the guy standing right infront me resembled him so much but I did not expect him to reply with my name. His eyes, his face, his hair, his everything! It's Kim Taehyung! He is still as attractive as before and the way my heart is beating. This is without a doubt, my best friend from 7 years ago. Kim Taehyung.

"Yeah, I know who you are." I replied coldly as I kept staring at him.

"Nice to see you again Areum." Taehyung said with a smirk.

"It's good to see you too, Taehyung." I replied then walked past him. I'm still angry. No, I'm still furious at the fact he comes back into my life when I didnt need him anymore but when I needed him the most, he left me and never came back. The past years I have been trying to cope up with him not being in my life.

"See you soon." Taehyung said and I continued walking past him and when I passed through the exit door, I immediately started to run.

As I ran, a flurry of thoughts ran through my head.

He says he's Taehyung, the Kim Taehyung from seven years ago; but, why do I have this feeling it isn't him? His presence itself is different. He seemed colder, completely different from the joyful Kim Taehyung I remember. And yet, I can't help but want to know more about him.


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