Chapter 11: Map

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Everyone P.O.V

Emma woke up and the first thing she saw was a piece of paper next to her with a note that said, 'A map of Neverland which you will have to figure out yourself from Pan'. So Emma was fully wide awake and got up, ran out of her tent and shouted out screaming for the team to get up, "GUYS GET UP!!!", "What's happening""Is their an attack", said everyone but the Regina noticed "Theirs nk enemy why are you waking us up" then Snow defended Emma by saying "Maybe it better if we try to find Henry now, but maybe also Emma has something to tell us".

"Yep, this" said Emma holding out a piece of paper, "Where did you get that from Emma" questioned Charming. "Found it when I woke up" replied Emma with a shrug, "Oy, Emma, where did ya get that and may I ask who?" Said Killian looking at the paper in Emma's hand, "Oh, from Pan, he wants us to play his game but this is a map of Neverland, though it is blank, so we have to figure out how to get the picture on the paper and we might see where we have to go" replied Emma. "You're not hurt?" Asked a worried Charming, "Well now we have to figure out something can't we just use magic" said Regina, "That won't do love, Pan always has tricks up his sleeve, don't mock him" said Killian.

"He might be right Regina, lets try to figure it our own way, maybe lets try to use squid ink" Emma said so Snow passed the ink to Charming who passed the ink to Emma. One Emma had the ink she poured the ink onto the paper but nothing happen until the ink disappeared. Nothing showed on the paper, "I think we should just use the magic" said Charming breaking the silence that was upon them, "Finally, let get it over with", Regina said boredly because their was no way the ink was going to work, so she cast her spell and the paper glowed purple. The paper lifted onto the air and flew slowly so the others could follow, "Lets go" said Killian, who walked to follow the paper but looked around the forest of Neverland to see if something will happen and he could just grab his sword from his belt.

Pan P.OV

I had woken up from my sleep to see my beautiful queen next to me, I had gotten ready today to look cleaner. Until I felt magic and then I had started to smirk thinking of a plan but looked at my queen and said "I'll see you later, love". Then dissapeared infront of the campfire while the boys were practicing around, felix then noticed me, "Pan is their something wrong?" He bowed to me and I answered , "Yes, it seems like our friends are using magic which is against the game", I paused then continued, "So lets give them a proper welcome party to neverland, gather the boys and tell them to get ready", I commanded Felix while smirking about how we would trick them but first I used magic to change into similar clothes that looked liked Henry's.

Everyone P.O.V 

Felix went to tell the rest of the lost boys to get ready, "Felix, what's happening?" Asked Henry who had woken up from loud noises, "Nothing go back to sleep kid" replied Felix rudely who was ordering everyone around . "But I don't want to-", Henry the fell onto the ground unconscious since Felix didn't want him complaining, so he knocked Henry to the ground "Annoying kids" said Felix who picked up Henry then placed him in the cot (bed) of Henry's room (tent). Felix then went out to get ready but prayed to his mother figure Queen Alice to protect them if thet get hurt, but it had hurt them a lot when they all heard there mother was poisoned but Pan managed to put her to sleep whiched stopped the poison, so they have to find the truest believer to get their mother back. It had hurt Felix do much when his mother Alice was gone that he turned cold and listen to his father figure (since Alice is the mother) Pan.

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