Chapter Five

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Chapter Five


I heard Delly screaming at Madge.

"Hey, what's your problem?" I asked her.

"Stay out of this, shank I wasn't talkin to ya!" Delly says pushing me out of the way. I all but fall onto the ground.

"Ha," I say getting up. "See your first mistake was coming over here talking to my friend when she did nothing wrong, and your second mistake was laying a hand on me," I say whipping my mouth. She scoffs at me and says.

"What are you going to do about it?" She gives me a nudge on the shoulder and I smirk.

"This-" I right hook her in the face. She plunges down to the ground. She cups her cheek and stands back up.

"You little b-" I grab her shoulders and push her stomach into my knee hard. She groans and falls to the ground. When I'm about to tackle her someone hugs my waist and pulls me away from her. "Put me down so I can finish her!" I scream. "Don't ever touch me again you b-" my kidnapper covers my mouth as I scream. He carries me over to a bench and throws me down.

"Don't be an idiot! The cops see you in a fight they'll have you booked and in jail faster than you can apologize." Cato says with his arms crossed.

"Whatever I don't give a s-"

"Stop cussing! It doesn't suit girls," he says to me.

"Whatever," I mutter crossing my arms.

"Come on I think she left." He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"I can walk you know. I don't know who you usually go out with but I'm not some sl-" he slaps my butt. "Hey!" I yelp.

"When you cuss I'm going to smack your butt. I don't care where we are or who you're with I will spank you if you cuss." I glare at the ground until we meet the others.

"Put her down," Finnick says to Cato. He sets me down and when I see Delly standing in front of me I try to lunge at her but Cato grabs my arms and holds me back.

"What do you want?!" I say.

"Katniss, this isn't your battle. She came here to talk to Madge." Finnick says. Delly turns to Madge and says.

"I know you're flirting with Peeta. Stop it! He's mine, I saw him first and he will be my boyfriend." This gets my blood boiling. "If I see you talking to him I will ruin you socially, mentally, and physically." This sent me over the edge. At my old school there was a girl just like Delly. I never stood up for myself or my friends, I refuse to stand around when she's threatening her. I yank my arms free and when Cato tries to grab me I right hook him in the cheek. When he's down on the ground I tackle Delly from behind. I start slapping her face but my anger gets the best of me and the slaps turn into punches. She's drifting from consciousness when Gale pulls me off of her. "You ever go near Madge again and I will hunt you down and put you in the hospital!!" I scream as Gale carries me away. He shoves me into his van and locks the doors. I start screaming and punching the seats and doors. When blood appears on my fists I calm down and lay down in the very back seats.


I see Gale guarding the car. When I nod to him he heads back over to others. When I open the door I see Katniss asleep in the very back of the van. I slide into the middle seats and say. "That was one hell of a right hook," she opens her eyes and smiles.

"Yeah, my dad taught me how to fight."

"Haymitch?" I ask her.

"No," she looks at the floor. She gets that look in her eyes... That distant look. "My real dad, he died when I was eleven." She says petting the carpet with her hand. She doesn't even notice the tear that runs down her cheek.

"I'm... I'm so sorry,"

"Wasn't your fault," she says with a shrug.

"I know how you feel," is all I can think of to say.

"No you don't, no one does... They don't know how every time I wake up wishing, begging to see my dad. Everyday I wake up a small part of him is taken away from me... It's like..."

"... You loved him so much but as the day goes on you forget things about him, and you're afraid to go to sleep because you don't know if you'll remember him or forget him..." I say finishing for her. She turns to me and sits up not losing eye contact.

"How do you...?"

"My dad died when I was fourteen." She slides into the middle seat with me.

"I'm sorry..." she says. "I didn't know,"

"Not your fault... I'm here if you need to talk... It's always better to talk to someone that knows how you feel than to complete strangers." She looks at me and tears are gathering in here eyes. I wrap her in my arms.

"Does the pain ever go away?" She asks me. I could feel the tears on my shirt.

"I don't know... I still struggle getting up, and smiling everyday." I say.

"How did you handle it?" She asks.

"I would date girls and cheat on them. I thought that if they felt my pain it would make me feel something than this giant hole in my heart." I say running my hand up and down her back. "How did you deal with it?"

"I cried, I swore, I hunted. I would go out into our woods and hunt from dawn to dusk. I would spend 1/3 swearing, 1/3 crying and 1/3 hunting. I remember one time I was doing all three at once,"

"Did ya catch anything?"

"No, it's hard to shoot a bow at an animal when your screaming at the animal and crying at the same time." She says with little humor. I chuckle and kiss her head.

"It gets better," I say getting up. She grabs my wrist and says.

"How do you know?"

"I don't but, it has to some time or else what would be the point of living on?" I leave her in the van. I go back to the crew and Finnick says.

"She'll be dressed if I go check on her right?"

"Dude, calm down I just went to talk to her," I say grabbing a chip from Clove. She gives me a glare and sticks her tongue out at me.

"Yeah you said the same thing about that Ashley girl." He mutters under his breath.

"Yeah well, this is different. She's your sister, I wouldn't make a move on her unless I told you my intentions first." I say with a serious look.

"Good, that makes me feel better." He says smiling a little. He runs a hand thru his hair and walks to the van.


Man I'm on a roll! Two chapters in a day! :) hope u liked it!

1. What do you think of Kat's story?

2. Do you have a friend you can lean on in a time of need? If so then who?

3. Have you ever had a meltdown in a car? From a phobia, or panic attack, etc.

Hoped you enjoyed! :D Have a good day (or night) Love Lauren. :)

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