Elementals II

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Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Shadow, and Spirits.

The six elements of the human world. Controled by a chosen group of people in the beginning of time. The Elementals have evil counterparts; Destroyers. There is a stone called the Emeryllis, and it allows the Elementals and the Destroyers to have their powers.

The year is 2012. Mariana James is the leader of the Elementals at sixteen years old. She is the Main Water Elements. Her twin is Kyden James, and he is the Main Fire element. The live on a small farm house with twenty or so of their fellow Elementals. Their mission: to take back the Emeryllis and destroy it. Can they do it?

(Elementals was a roleplay. It is not word for word since it's been years since I last saw it. Elementals II is my own continuation of it.)



I pulled my hood up as I rounded the corner from the rehab center. I was finally discharged! Now I'm going home to the James farm. Three years since I saw everyone there, since I left the only family I ever had. I had started raining an hour earlier and I felt like I was being trailed by two people. Normally I shook it off as part of the PTSD symptoms, but this time, I couldn't shake the feeling. I looked over my shoulder and saw that my hunch was right, two destroyers were following me. I started walking faster until I felt them move closer to me. I ran from the destroyers to the James house. It had been three years and they were still upset that we destroyed the stone. But I ran and ran anyways because I was terrified of them. I sprinted down the long dirt road that was turning into mud from the rain and up the driveway to their front door. I pounded on the door as the rain pounded on the roof.

"Kyden," I screamed over the rain. I pounded on the front door again as the rain soaked through my clothes. "Kyden Matthew James open the damn door, I'm freezing!" I yelled, leaning against the door. "Please Kyden, I love you." I whispered. The door opened moments later and I collapsed into familiar arms. My heart fluttered in my chest as Kyden pulled me inside and wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"Nat, you're freezing." Kyden whispered, pressing his lips to my hair. I clung to him as all the feelings I had for him came rushing back. He picked me up and carried me to the boy's room. He set me on his bed as he grabbed me one of his baggy shirts. I fumbled with my clothes as Kyden turned around to give me privacy.

"K-Ky, I need help." I whispered as I slowly stood. He turned around and peeled my clothes off slowly, leaving me in my underwear. He acted squirrelly, unsure if I was really here. He slipped the shirt over my head and dried my hair with a towel. His hot breath was on my cheek as his bangs tickled my forehead. We were so close to each other, it was almost unreal. I reached out to touch him at the last moment, but he moved out of the way before I could.

"Take my bed tonight Nat. You need a good night's sleep." He whispered, touching my cheek lightly. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back to me, making him look at me. His wrist was warm under my skin as I moved my hand into his, feeling Kyden sweat as became closer to each other.

"I'm sorry I left, it was so hard leaving you, Kyden. But I'm here now, and I swear I'll stay this time." I whispered, kissing his cheek. He looked at me like I was a ghost. I sighed in frustration as I sat on his bed. "Goodnight Ky." I whispered, thankful that it was so dark. I lie down on the pillow and let it soak up my tears as he left the room.


I woke up the next morning at six o'clock, sleeping only six hours. Kyden left me clean clothes at the end of the bed for me to change into. I quietly walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where the smell of coffee hit me. I didn't think Kyden would be up, so I looked around and saw Sam and Mariana talking over two cups. When did Mari start drinking coffee? They looked at me as I stepped into the kitchen, the baggy clothing I was wearing an indicator I just woke up. They ran up and hugged me tight as I started to cry. I told them that I was back for good and I would never leave again. They let me go and we started talking, which was mainly me telling them when I got here and everything after that.

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