~Childs Play~

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I wake up to the sun shining in my eyes, I get off the bed, then I put on my clothes while walking around the house looking for midnight, but she was no where to be found. So I went to go find duck-butt. "She might be there." I growled.

~1 hour looking for duck-ass~

"Damn I forgot about are so called mission." I mumble under my breath then a thought hit me ill try one of my new jutsus.

I made hand signs. 'Tiger,Dragon,Dog and Eagle.' "Secret Style: Winged Angel No Jutsu!" I say growing per-white angel wings and it hurt like hell... I start flying to the meeting place and yea it was hard flying. I could be a baby bird learning how to barley fly. I struggling on trying to flap and glide till they gave out. "NO WAY! THEY WON'T LISTEN TO ME! COME ON FLAP! FLAP! DAMMit!" I yell trying to flap my wings but they won't listen. I fell for about 5 minutes. "How high did I fly?" I thought till, to my surprise I landed on something soft. (Don't ask me how she's not dead, anything can happen in anime.) "Ouchie." I say rubbing my head.

I hear a groan so I look down, it was none other then duck-butt. "Get of me." He says trying to move and push me off.

"E-er sorry." I say getting up and rubbing my ass which he did the same then dusted himself off, and looked at me.

"What the hell. How could someone fall from th-" I cut him off by hitting him with one of my wings. "What are those?" He ask messing with his hair cause it was stuffed with feathers.

"I must of got some feathers is your ha-" I cut myself off by rolling on the ground laughing my ass off.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"Well your h-hair is a d-ducks-butt a-after all s-so it should h-have feath-ers!" I say trying to control my laugher.

He blushed but tried to hide it. "Aww did I hit a soft spot." I say grabbing his nose moving his head side to side.

"Don't touch me!" He said swatting my hand away. In a way I felt hurt, so I turned away from him and started to walk away. "Ayano?" He questioned trying to walk besides me.

"Leave me alone." My voice was sad, my wings disappeared after a while of walking.

"What's wrong?" He asked stepping closer. 'He's so freaking clueless' My mind growled.

"Nothing and why would you care." I spat running away.  I keeped running till I made it to my house, I walked inside and there was food on the table. 'oh yea I forgot to ask him about midnight.' I thought scratching the back of my head. I walk back out of the house. "Hmm I guess I'll just go train on that flying justu since I pretty much suck at it." I mumbled walking to the training grounds. I go to the center of the training grounds. "Secret Style: Winged Angel No Jutus!" I say making my wings come out. "Ok I think I got the hang of flying." I start going down to land but fell face flat on the ground. I get back up and start flapping again till I was in the air.

~5 hours later~

"YAY! NOW I KNOW HOW TO FLY,  but I still can't fly that fast I need to work on that." I say calling off my jutsu walking into the town. I look at the sun.. 4:50am. "I still got time im gonna get me some ramen!" I say walking to the ramen stand.

I sit down. "One miso ramen!" I yelled.

"Sure thing." The man said.

Then my bowl is ready after that I hear foot steps coming in. "ONE MISO RAMEN!!" I could tell it was Naruto by how freaking loud he screamed.

"Sure thing Naruto!" The man said making a bowl for him.

"What's up Naruto."

"HEY AYANO-CHAN!" He yelled which I smack him upside the head.

"Ow what was that for?!" He yelped rubbing the place I smacked him.

"It's not my fault you gotta yell so fucking loud." I say sitting back down before taking off my hoodie and mask. I start eatting my ramen. "Hey Naruto?" I ask looking at him curious.

"Hump?" He said with his mouth full of ramen looking at me still not swallowing. He stared at me shocked.

"Don't stare at me." I say glaring.

"Oh sorry what is it?" He said 'swallowing' his ramen, turning away from me blushing.

"I lost my watch do you know what time it is?" I say scratching the back of my head.. I never had a watch to began with.

"Um yea it's 5:15." He said continuing to eat his ramen so I just stare at him in aye.

"Um. Mission. 5:00. Ring a bell?" I say crossing my arms and shaking my head.

"Huh? oh... OH! I FORGOT!" He said paying, grabbing my hand dragging me away from my ramen.

"I didn't get to finish my ramen." I mumble crossing my arms.  We get to the meeting place. I put back on my hoodie and mask before I see that Sasuke and Sakura were there just stand doing nothing. "How fun."



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