The Beginning

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A loud cry was heard as the glorious moment when a set of twins were born. Many smiled at the sight at the babies. These children both had bright blue eyes as clear as the sky which brought amazement to the nurses surrounding the mother. Along with the stunning eyes came along with white hair as pure as snow.

"They're beautiful.." the mother breathed and shed a tear while looking at her newborn twins.

"His name will be Arslan and hers will be Ayasa."

*Time skip to when the twins are 5*

"Arslaaaaannnnnn." the younger twin whined.

"Yes Aya?" Arslan hummed while braiding his sister's hair.

"I'm so booooreeeddd." Ayasa huffed and pouted while crossing her arms.

"We'll play after I finish braiding your hair okay?" said the young male. Ayasa smiled in return and nodded and became silent.

"There...all done." Arslan stood back to admire his work which was interrupted as Ayasa stood up and started jumping.

"Yay! Can we go play now?" Ayasa's eyes gleamed with happiness. Arslan nodded and smiled.

"What are we gonna play today Arsie?" the girl asked. The older twin stood with his hands on his chin as if thinking. Suddenly an idea sparked his mind.

"How about we play hide and seek?"

"How about we play hide and seek?" Both said at the same time. Surprised, the twins turned to each other and started to laugh.

"Okay! You're it Arsie!" Ayasa shouted and took off towards the forest.

"Hey Ayasa wait up! We're not supposed to go too far or mother will get angry!" Arslan shouted taking off after his younger counterpart.

A gleeful laugh sounded signalling that the younger twin had heard her brother's cries. Arslan slowed down and sighed while shaking his head.

"What am I going to do with you." he said to himself as he began to count loudly to make sure Ayasa could hear him.

"..8..9..10! Okay Aya I'm coming!" Arslan shouted.

"Hehe Arslan will never catch me!" Ayasa whispered to herself while looking over her shoulder. As a result, when she turned her head back around, she crashed into a hard metal wall and fell back.

"Owie." the young girl said while rubbing her eyes. She blinked a few times and glared at the metal wall in front of her. Except it wasn't a metal wall. Her eyes traveled upwards until she saw a head of a dragon looming above her small figure. It was a tall black dragon with amber eyes. The black skin gave off an iridescent glow as the sunlight hit it. The dragon's head was brought down to the level of the girl.

"And what do we have here? Oh, it's a little girl." the black dragon spoke in a deep voice.

"I am not little!" Ayasa shouted, pouting at the black dragon in front of her. The dragon did not respond at her comment.

"Little girl what's your name?" the dragon asked.

"I said I'm not little! And mommy said not to talk to strangers." she turned the other way, still pouting. The dragon only chucked.

"Akari I think I found her." The dragon lifted his head up and shouted towards the sky. A screech was heard as a reply. Soon after, a beautiful white dragon came swooping down. The gust that was created to ease the dragon's fall caused the young girl to shield her eyes. When she opened her eyes, they gleamed a bright crystal blue. She immediately ran to the white dragon and introduced herself.

"Hi pretty white dragon! My name is Ayasa! What's yours?" Ayasa asked excitedly. The white dragon chuckled lightly and bent her head down to Ayasa's level.

"My name is Akari. And that is my brother Aruyi." she motioned her towards the black dragon, who had his mouth wide open.

"How come she didn't tell me her name when I asked her?" he said, mouth agape. Ayasa giggled in response and happily skipped to the black dragon.

"I'm sorry about that Mr. Aruyi. I'm Ayasa! Nice to meet you!" Ayasa smiled and held out her hand which the black dragon gently put his head under her hand. They continued to stay in that position until Ayasa remembered something important.

"Oh no!" Ayasa exclaimed. "I forgot I was playing hide and seek with my brother! You have to help me hide!" The dragons looked at each other and nodded.

"We'll help you...but in return can you help us? People are after us and we need a safe place to stay." Akari stated. Ayasa tilted her head in confusion. The black dragon sighed.

"We need a host."

Silence overcame the three.

"Do you even know what a ho-" started the black dragon.

"Yes I do" said the girl.

"Well then what do you say?" Akari asked. Ayasa nodded. The dragons looked at each other and nodded. Their bodies began to glow and became orbs of light that swirled around Ayasa and made their way onto her arms.

We'll try to make this as painless as possible spoke a voice in Ayasa's head. The little girl only nodded and started to grit her teeth in response to the ever growing pain in her arms. After a while the pain subsided and Ayasa glanced down at her arms. On her arms were tattoos of dragons. A black dragon on her right hand and white dragon on her left. Soon after, the wind rustled the trees above her causing some leaves to fall. They formed into bandages which wrapped around her arms, hiding the twin dragon tattoos.

Ayasa felt a surge of power rush through her body, overwhelming her. She soon fell to her knees and clutched her head.

"Ayasa! There you are! I was looking for you everywhere! What did I tell you to not go too far!" Arslan scolded his younger sister. Ayasa was shaking slightly and not responding to her brother which indicated that something wasn't right.

"Ayasa? Are you okay?"

Ayasa took a sharp intake of breath before turning to look at her brother.

"Arslan?" the female asked. The other twin hummed in response to his younger sister.

"Let's go home." Ayasa said. The male nodded and proceeded to help Ayasa up on her feet. Together they walked back home in silence. From that day on, both of their lives would change drastically.


Word Count : 1047

Wew I haven't updated in a long time on any of my books. My goal is to get at least 1000 words on each chapter. I'll try to update every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. I highly suggest watching the anime so you know what's going on but other than that, next chapter is tomorrow and I'm out.

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