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"I'm fine Aruyi. I"


Ayasa POV

Ouch. Well, everything hurts. That's wonderful.

My eyes felt like they might have been glued together. I groaned in pain and forcefully opened my eyes. Everything around me was white.

"Gah! No! Anything but white!" I screamed and my hands flew to my eyes, covering them. Memories suddenly flashed through my head.


I sat up immediately, pain rushing through every part of my body. I ignored it and swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up. I stumbled a bit but regained my balance and ran to the next room, where I hoped my sensei was. I slammed the door open and sighed in relief once I saw Akari, Aruyi and Karuya.

She quickly made her way to the side of the bed where her sensei laid. Akari's hands glowed a bright blue as she attempted to keep him alive for the past 4 hours. Sweat was dripping down her face as she concentrated. Karuya placed his hand on Akari's, motioning her to stop healing him.

"But if I stop you'll die!" Akari shouted angrily.

"He'll what?" Ayasa whispered to herself.

Karuya flashed a small smile towards the twins and turned his head towards the young white haired girl. Ayasa's eyes watered as she shook uncontrollably. Aruyi tried to hide the tears leaking out of his eyes but failed miserably. Akari stopped healing her old partner and went over to her brother and cried on his shoulder. Aruyi comforted his sister and hugged her tightly .

"A-ayasa... I-I tried to save h-him, b-but the arrow was poisoned. Whoever must've done is very skilled in potion making." Akari sobbed. Ayasa stood there crying.

"Now don't be so sad now. That's right the arrow was poisoned, but I was going to die soon anyway." Karuya said, sitting up in his bed and pulling the sobbing girl close and into a hug.

"You know Ayasa, you were like a daughter that I never had. I knew from the start of your training we would only get closer. And I'm so glad you accepted their power. You look just like the first demon holder. Same hair color, electric blue eyes. fierceness, everything. It's like you're her reincarnation," he paused to cough. "You're gonna make a change in the world, you know. They're gonna be amazed at what you can do. You're gonna be strong okay? Don't let anyone else tell you so. You will face many problems, but you have to keep moving forward. Don't you ever lose sight of your dream, you hear me?"

Ayasa continued to wail but nodded at her dying sensei's wish.

"Please take this blade and my necklace Ayasa. This blade was possessed by every White Demon before you. When wielding this blade, all of your ancestors will be with you, every step of the way as you grow stronger. And as for this necklace, you will know when the time is right. Please keep it safe." Karuya said as he handed her his katana. He then took off his necklace and proceeded to place it on Ayasa's hand and enclosed it.

Ayasa could only accept as she was still in shock.

"When I die, my soul will be sealed in this blade forever. I will be with you always." Kauya said.

Ayasa sniffed and nodded.

Karuya released his hug from the young girl and glanced towards the twins, now sobbing and hugging each other.

"I'm glad I met you two. You've given me happiness and I am very thankful. it was nice fighting alongside you two. Please protect Ayasa for me." Karuya said.

"Y-yeah man. I-it's the least we can do for you." Aruyi replied. Karuya smiled and lay down on his bed facing upwards.

"It's been a pleasure knowing you three. I hope I do not see you in the afterlife anytime soon or I'll kick you out and make you live again. Now my time is finally up. Goodbye and good luck." Karuya said his final words as his eyes closed. He died with a smile on his face, making him look so peaceful.

Suddenly a bright light lit up the room. The three had to shield their eyes because of the intensity. As the light died down, Ayasa looked searched for Karuya, but was met with a ghostly body which resembled Karuya. He smiled one last time and flew into the dragon katana, adding another scale to the dragon's neck.

You see, the katana had a dragon's mouth. The blade was protruding out of the dragon's open mouth. The dragon was double sided as well, one eye being red and the other being green. There were rows and rows of scales, some larger and some smaller, along the dragon's neck. Each scale symbolized souls of the previous vessels. The size of the scales was based on the vessels contributions to the world. The larger the scale, the bigger the contribution. The first two vessels were used to form the dragons horns and the rest of the important scales were very intricate details on the dragon.

A few days had passed and Ayasa had returned to her normal self. Only that it wasn't as normal as when Karuya has been alive. She had concluded that the men which she hadn't killed had gone to inform their leader of the sightings in the area. Which in other words meant that the three couldn't remain in the mountains any longer or they would be killed.

"Tch. Why didn't I kill them when I had the chance?" Ayasa muttered under her breath.

"Akari! Aruyi! We have to go! Staying in this place is too risky, even though I don't want to leave. Akari? Aru-" the younger girl shouted into the c ave.

"Yeah. We got you covered little one." Aruyi came out with a backpack. Akari soon came out with a backpack as well. Ayasa blinked in surprise.

"Wow. Umm, I didn't really expect you guys to catch on so quickly. I guess I will head back inside to go and start packing for the journey then. I'll be back soon." Ayasa said, heading back inside.

The twins nodded in agreement.

"Aruyi and I will go and hunt for tonight's dinner. Then we will head to the kingdom of Pars in the morning. It's best we sleep early then." Akari said, before turning into a wolf and bounding into the forest.

"The Kingdom of Pars huh?" the white haired girl muttered under her breath and started to pack her belongings.


Word Count: 1081 words

Wew! I haven't updated in a while. I have been busy on preparing for school so here's the update hope you like it and I will start on the next chapter soon.

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