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"Aruyi and I will go and hunt for tonight's dinner. Then we will head to the kingdom of Pars in the morning. It's best we sleep early then." Akari said, before turning into a wolf and bounding into the forest.

"The Kingdom of Pars huh?" the white haired girl muttered under her breath and started to pack her belongings.


3rd POV

Ayasa emerged from the cave sporting a black sports bra, shorts and black combat boots that were knee high. There were black belts connecting her boots to her belt secured tightly on her waist. Her katanas were strapped to either side of her hips. Karuya's katana at her right and her original at her left. Her old mentor's necklace rested peacefully on her bra, glinting in the morning sun. An open black cloak draped over shoulder, sleeves drooped over the side of the katanas. For extra safety precautions, Ayasa placed her daggers in her boots.

She stretched, basking in the morning sun. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, Karuya sensei. But I swear I'll make it up to you.

Aruyi and Akari returned from their morning hunt, both clutching dead deer in their mouths. Ayasa glanced at them and raised and eyebrow.


They nodded. Ayasa then unsheathed her katana and got in a ready stance. Akari bounded inside the cave and got out the food pouch. Aruyi morphed into a dragon and whipped the deer up with his powerful tail.

Ayasa then shot up and with a few slices, deer meat was raining from the sky. A powerful blue flame erupted from Aruyi's mouth and burnt the meat. Akari was catching all of the meat and placing it in the pouch along with some salt. Ayasa returned to the ground gracefully and cleaned her sword so that it shined brightly. Aruyi returned to wolf form and trotted over to the white haired girl.

Ayasa stroked his fur and scratched the huge wolf behind his ears. She then pulled her pack on and climbed over the back of the wolf. Araki bounded towards them, supplies attached to her back.

Ayasa looked into the distance with a smirk on her face.

"Pars. Here we come."

Ayasa POV

Travelling had never been so fun. I finally felt free.

I screamed in joy as Aruyi soared through the trees of the forest. I grasped Aruyi's fur on the times I almost fell off his sleek back. I placed my hand on his shoulders as they moved. I could feel his strong muscles working as we moved. Everything was a blur as we shot through the forest, scaring a few birds during the process.

After a while we took a break, stopping at a nearby lake. I jumped off Aruyi's back and walked towards the river bank. I cupped my hands together and scooped up some water with my hands. I raised it to my lips and drank. I let out a sigh of content and rested on a nearby tree. I turned my head towards the top of the mountain and from a distance, I saw our old cave, a speck in the mountains, barely visible. It had only been an hour since we left but we had traveled so quickly. I filled my flask with the fresh water and ate some of the meat from this morning.

Akari's head found its way under my left hand and I rubbed her head. I nibbled on my jerky a bit more before calling Aruyi over. He stalked over to me, panting excitedly. I chuckled before hauling myself onto his back once more. With a nod of approval, we shot off towards the bottom of the mountain once more.

After many hours of travel, we made it to the seafront. We rested on a cliff as the breeze blew in our faces. I turned towards my smiling companions, resting on their back. I turned my head towards the ocean once more, watching the sunset reflect upon the crashing waves.

We had finally made it to the nearest town just as the sun finished setting. Upon arrival, we managed to get a room at an apartment, despite the feared looks on the owner's face when she saw the two wolves besides me. I managed to cover the dragon marks on my arm using my coat before confronting the owner.

I fell on my bed after I had set down my pack. I sighed and stared up at the ceiling while Aruyi and Akari curled up beside me. My eyes were heavy from the constant travel and I'm sure my partners felt worse. I closed my eyes and soon fell into a dreamless sleep.

My eyes shot open as I gasped. I was awoken by the sound of a neigh. Aruyi and Akari also awoke from my sudden arousal.

"Shh. It's fine. Rest. I'm going to check it out. If I need help, I'll call for help." I whispered as I crawled out of bed. They stared at me before nodding tiredly and fell asleep once more.

I slipped on my coat and strapped my katana to my waist. I jumped out of the window, landing gracefully on a fence posts. I moved silently along the building, moving towards the sound of the cries. I crept along the side of the building, making sure no one saw me. As I turned the corner, I saw a midnight black horse, thrashing madly as a man, holding a torch in his hand, whipped the horse. He screamed in frustration.

"You stupid dumb horse! If I knew you weren't going to listen to me, I would have won the race. I COULD HAVE HAD ALL THAT MONEY! And since you failed me, you will pay the price."

He raised his whip to the torch and lit it on fire. He raised his hand, and launched it towards the frightened horse.

I closed my eyes and concentrated. Okay, I can do this. Just concentrate.

I launched myself towards the man and landed in front of the horse as the flaming whip wrapped itself tightly around my raised left forearm with a loud smack. I controlled the flames with great concentration, and set it out. I glared at the now scared man and yanked the whip out of his hands with little effort.

"You will leave this poor horse alone from now on. Got it?" I said, threateningly.

"B-but you can't do that! It's mine!" he stuttered.

"After the way you treated him? Sorry old man, but you'll have to find another horse because from here on out, he's mine." I said.

"Hey! You have no right to say that! You're just a little kid!" He shouted, pulling an old dagger from his pocket.

I pulled out my katana from it's sheath and shot towards the man, stopping the blade from touching his throat, only millimeters away. The moonlight glinted off of the metal dangerously.

"You will leave this horse alone. Do you understand?" I whispered.

He nodded, scared and ran off.

I returned my blade into the cover and approached the horse carefully, raising my hand out. The horse had calmed down and seemed to understand what I wanted to do. The stallion stood and placed his nose in my hand. I smiled and rubbed the horse's head.

"Welcome to the team, Shadow."


Word Count: 1209 Words

Well hello my fellow readers. I sincerely apologize that I haven't updated in a long time and I'm deeply sorry. Here's another chapter and I hope I can update more often. Once again, I do not own Arslan Senki or any of the characters. Enjoy the chapter :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2017 ⏰

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