Are you in for it?

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Sebastian's POV

"Bocchan*, I'm here with your noon tea." I said and knocked on the door to my young master's office.

"Come in." Ciel's bored voice answered.

I opened the door and wheeled in the tea cart. I picked up the fancy tea cup and filled it with the steaming tea. I don't understand why humans have to make everything to regal and fancy just to suit their own likings. Humans are just too complicated to give a reasonable explanation on their behaviors. I put the tea cup on the saucer and put it on his desk in front of him.

"After noon tea you will have dance lessons with Mrs. Bright for 20 minutes and then afterwards there are no other things planned for the rest of the day." I recited his schedule.

He flinched at the word 'dance', his teacup resting on his bottom lip. "Cancel my dance lessons. I have no use for the skill."

A small sigh escaped my lips, and my crimson eyes stared at Ciel with an unamused look. "Pardon me for speaking out of place, but dancing is an important skill needed for when you attend parties and a lady wishes to dance with you. If you were to turn her down, it would leave a bad mark on the Phantomhive name."

His eyes grew wide, but then he sighed and took a sip of his tea. "Still cancel it."

Humans really are confusing.

I bowed and grabbed the cart and turned around, and left the room. "Just give me a ring if you need anything." I called over my shoulder as I closed the door. I went down the hallway and into the kitchen. "Baldroy, what in the blazes are you doing with that flame thrower?" I muttered when I saw the Phantomhive's head chef with goggles on and his favorite 'cooking' utensil as it seems.

"Well, uhm. I was just about to cook this cake with my trusty flamethrower here... it would take too long to cook in the oven." He put down the weapon and scratched the back of his head.

"How many times have I told you not to use explosives in cooking?" I sighed and massaged my pounding temples with the heel of my palm.

"Cooking is art! Explosives are art!" He exclaimed giddily with a dorky grin.

This imbecile... All the servants in this household are imbeciles. The only thing they're good for is protecting the young master.

"Honestly... I am so fed up with these idiots..." An unintentional groan escaped my pursed lips, and thankfully Baldo didn't hear it over his own idiocy. "Just cook everything in the oven with no explosions. Culinary arts and explosive arts are two different types of art, so please stick with culinary arts for the time being."

His giddy smile vanished from his face as he sighed, clearly exasperated. "Fiiiiiine." He said and put down his weapon.

"Good. Now, make sure that there are going to be no, let me repeat no, explosions for the rest of the day." I had to repeat myself, which I rarely do, as it seems these dimwits follow directions better when I get my point across.

This is why I hate humans as people.

I left the room soundlessly and went out to the back garden where my black furred beauty was waiting. Her glorious eyes shined in the bright sunny light, her noir fur glistening, and her adorable tail without a single nick. "Cats are so much better than humans." I picked her up and sat down with her on my lap. I scratched behind her ears and pet her back, her loud purring music to my ears. Suddenly, her ears shot up and she dashed away as a familiar shadow loomed over me.

"SE-BAS-CHAAAN~!" Grell's obnoxious, high pitched voice called out as he dove down from the roof towards me, his arms outstretched. I sighed and moved out of the way. I didn't even flinch when he hit the ground face first.

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