Chapter 02: Gigabyte

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Engraved into the soil of Route 1 are the first prints of many an adventurous Trainer. The route rings the south-eastern coast of Melemele Island, connecting the island's two towns. Tall grass flourishes upon its banks – constantly restless, beckoning to young trainers to enter and make their first forages into a world filled with rivals, challenges and lifelong friends. The locals say you can never make it through the entirety of Route 1 without spotting at least one pair of battling Trainers – unless, of course, you happen to be travelling at an ungodly hour. Furnishing the southern edge of the route is the beach where Professor Kukui runs his laboratory, located just adjacent to the mystical Ten Carat Hall where an extremely rare species of Pokemon is said to reside.

Current Team:
Rowlet (Vero)

"When the eyes of two Trainers meet... it's time to battle!"

Declaring those words, the boy in shorts stepped out of the bushes towards me. Just a bit shorter than I was, he looked to be about the same age of fifteen. Instantly I guessed that he too had only just recently begun his Island Challenge.

"I'm Jimmy!" he announced, granting me no space to reply. "What's your name?"

"I'm Russ," I said. "I just moved over from Kanto."

Unsure of how to proceed, I simply looked at the other Trainer.


After a pause that grated on my soul, the only sound was that of the sweeping grass as Jimmy dashed off in the opposite direction.


In no time at all, a considerable space had opened up between us.

So do I run as well or-

Jimmy spun back with a skid, fingers already fixed onto the Pokball at his waist. Without thinking, my hand found itself reaching for a Pokball of my own. One click of the button and it expanded to its original size.

A moment earlier, watching me frozen on the spot, Jimmy's eyes had been shaded by the furrowed brows of bemusement. But now, seeing the full-grown Pokball in my grasp, his eyes reclaimed their former fire as he flung his Pokball with a cry.

"Go, Pikipek!"

Lagging an instant behind, I launched my own into the air.

"Go, Vro!"


Out of Jimmy's ball emerged a woodpecker-like creature with a pencil tip beak. Though its plumage was primarily black, the feathers on its face made it look like it was donning a white mask with a red stripe that ran up the middle. Spreading its wings, it immediately arrowed forward. Appearing to face it was none other than my Rowlet, Vro.

My first Pokmon battle.

Before I knew it, my heart had quickened its pace. And I was a slave to its beat.

"Pikipek, use Peck!"

With a flap of its wings, the woodpecker suddenly picked up speed.

"Intercept it with Leafage!" I said.

Drawing back, Vro twisted its body slightly and unleashed a barrage of three leaves with a swing of its right wing.

"Pierce through!" said Jimmy.

A glint in the woodpecker's eyes. It rammed through the projectiles, barely flinching.

Dang! Grass is weak to Flying! "Vro! Do-"

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