Chapter 3

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My eyes open again, but this time I find myself lying on something that's not my bed.

Not soft and cozy but hard and uncomfortable.

Attempting to roll over but there was restrains stopping me from doing so.

'Wait, where am I?!' I yelled in my mind, trying to figure an answer.

My head and whole body was held down to the bed, forcing me to stay lying on my back.

Amongst many things that are different, one big change I noticed was that I felt abnormal, like I wasn't the same age anymore.

'No, I am who I am, I am 22' I forcefully convinced myself.

Bright lights then filled the room, blinding me. I heard the beep of the intercom being activated, an authoritative voice punctured the silence in the room.

"You're awake? Good, it's time to start experimenting." The voice said the smile clearly evident in its words.
"You may feel some slight... discomfort." The intercom was silenced with a chuckle from the voice.

After what seemed like a 20 seconds, the whole room began buzzing like it was filled with flies. Then became the humming of something being charged, followed by a loud crack.

I lay confused for a second then all of a sudden I could feel tiny needles raise out of the bed and forcefully carve their way at my skin until lying a centermetre within the back of my neck and ankle.

I couldn't move.

Out of nowhere, intense electricity passed through the needles imbedded within me causing my body to react in a way that made the tiny spikes to move further into my body.

The pain was immense, I couldn't handle the massive current passing through me.

I let out a agonising scream of desperation and pure pain.

I sat up and jumped out of my real bed, breathing heavily and exhausted.

"Fuck, that's the first one in a while." I said to myself while rubbing the back of my neck out of physical empathy for myself.

Out of breath I laid back into bed.

Closing my eyes, attempting to sleep, I saw her again.

I can never remember her name, but my memories with her are something I never want to lose.

Her memories are worth putting in a special diary, hence the red cover.

'Her favourite colour too,' I smiled at the thought of her.

Figuring that I won't get to sleep anytime soon, I got up, flicked the lights on and found her book.

'Since then,' the title I gave the diary, it's something unique. Chosen because of the way she made my whole life mean something again.

Since that day, I've been accepting my unusualness.

For myself and for her.

All because of chance we met, out at the town park one day.

Purely unexpected, yet coincidentally perfect.

My vision begun to blur as the pages of words became images in my mind, green grass, tall trees and a soothing atmosphere.

Just like that, I was replaying the events of our first encounter.


I was walking my family dog, a husky named Grey, down the usually path I took. Looking ahead I saw another person, a female, walking a German shepherd approaching me.

Grey was pretty much attached to me, he'd always be with me when he was let inside, I've trained him to the point where he doesn't need a lead to walk around. Even when in the presence of other dogs and humans he doesn't budge, he just walks by my side.

I started to wander off the path towards the tree I leant against to just admire the park while Grey snooped around, but the girl walking towards me also strayed from the path so that she's on her own path which was heading to me.

I smiled as her long brown hair swayed perfectly in a ponytail as she walked.

'She seems nice, I should introduce myself,' I pondered upon her approach. But it was her who introduced herself first.

"Hi, I love your dog," she said gushing over my husky.

"Thank you," I responded as I looked at Grey sitting next to me curiously looking at the German shepherd.
"Wow, you've got a German shepherd, they're amazing dogs," I said while leaning down on one knee to look in the dogs eyes.

"Yes they are, but husky's are the same, just look at how casually he's sitting next to you," excitement fully clear in her words, "That's so impressive that he's just sitting there."

"Trust me, he hasn't always been this obedient," I chuckled at all the times of chasing him while training him.

"It looks like it was worth it though, I haven't even been able to teach Silk here to shake, let alone walk around by herself." She said sounding disappointed.

"It takes a lot of effort and patience to teach to act casual like Grey does, but enough about our dogs, I'm curious about you," I said which caused her to grin and blush.

"Okay, well I saw you waking before and I thought you were cute and seemed like such a casual guy, especially seeing you walking Grey, not many guys do that now." She said while playing with her nails.

"Agreed, not many guys even think about getting outside anymore. But I can say that you look very attractive, even next to a beautiful German shepherd," I said watching her as she blushed heavily.

'I guess she doesn't get many compliments from guys,' I thought while she was fiddling with her hair.

"My names Thomas," I said finally actually introducing myself.
'Huh, I was the first to introduce themselves.'

"I'm..." her words faded away as I snapped back into reality from the sound of my alarm ringing.

'Again?! Really?! Fuck sake." I said extremely annoyed at myself for setting an alarm.

'I've gone all this time without remembering her name, it's so frustrating!' I yelled in my mind.

My head began to ache, throbbing each second with intense pain, concentrated at the rear of my head. Its pain causing my vision to go blurry, mind to go blank and joints to flinch.

I collapsed onto the floor, unable to concentrate nor move.

As I lied there, my mind started to fill with blackness. Swallowing up every thought I make, not stopping or slowing down. Causing me to once again pass out.

But... just before I did, I heard a knock at my door...

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