The Little Merman (1\3)

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Genderbend!Ariel X Male!Reader

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So, this a Boys Love fanfic. It will have every character's ending(that you want).

(Y/n): Your name.

(L/n): Last name.

(E/c): Eye color.

(H/c): Hair color. (H/l): Hair length.

Please vote if ya liked it :v


You sat at the edge of the colossal ship and sighed. It was your sister's birthday, and her wish was you, her older brother accompany her to do what she enjoyed the most, and that was to travel the magnificent sea. But you on the other hand, rather enjoyed what lied under the most, curiosity for what the blue blanket hid in it's deep waters intrigued you the most. you gazed at the endless waters when your sister approached you.

"Isn't this great? The salty sea air, the wind blowing in your face... a perfect day to be at sea!" She smiled and gazed happily at you.

You chuckled and patted her head; the ship moved violently through the salty waters when Grimbly, came running so he could throw up.


Fireworks illuminated the night sky as all the marines toasted and drank their wine bottles dry. Meanwhile you remained by your sister's side, you glanced at her, her laughing face made a smile form on your lips. She was turning 18 tonight, she will be at age of marriage, and leave the kingdom to rule beside the husband she would be courted by when you both get back home. Meanwhile you were of 19 years of age, and had to do the same as her, but for some reason you didn't like any of the ladies Grimbly introduced you.

They just... didn't pick up your interest. In the other hand,the damsels seemed to love you, or more like your handsome face and body. Grimbly and your sister tend to tease you saying you were the most good looking man in the kingdom, to which you wink at them, teasing them back. But you had to choose a wife soon, you were to be crowned king very soon, since your father had told you so, due to him waiting a year. You were supposed to take the kingdom as your a year ago, but you refused to spend your life beside someone you didn't love.

Once Upon a Time (Genderbend!Disney X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now