Chapter 1: The Beginning of The End of My (Some what) Normal Life.

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 I glanced at the alarm clock on my side desk and groaned, it was 7:00am, I was going to be late to school if I didn't get my ass moving. I ran into the bathroom splashed water on my face and quickly brushed my teeth, then briskly fixed my hair, which was sticking up all over the place, I mean come on, you'd think that having short cut hair you wouldn't have to worry about bedhead, nope still a damn issue. After that I grabbed my bag from off the couch in the living room and rushed out the door.

 I burst out my front door and ran to where my bike was waiting patiently just inside the gate. I had forgotten to set my alarm last night and now i was running late for school, of course i wasn't panicking in fact i was completely calm as i kicked open the gate, hopped on my bike and rode my ass off. I had nothing to be nervous about because i knew my Wish would get me to school on time.                                                                                

 Maybe i should explain a little, my name is Leon Nobles and i am a Wishing One, Some one who wished upon what people are now calling God's Star, 5 years ago, my Wish was 'Grant me the power to overcome anything.' I got my wish and since then I've been unstoppable. Regular people see us Wishing Ones as threats to them though so we've been ostracized and forced  to hide our powers, though not everyone hides, there are some that paraded their gifts out in the open, but most of them disappeared within the first year.                                                                                                                                                                               

As I zoomed through the narrow streets my mind was ablaze, i had forgotten to do my history homework last night, in my head i saw the history worksheet and remembered with abnormal clarity every question on it, it was a cinch, answers to every question popped up in my head and i knew without a doubt that they were right, i would write them down once i got to school. While i was distracted by my history homework i didn't notice the girl turning the corner, directly in my path, my Wish should have shown me a way of avoiding her but, for the first time in 5 years I was left without an answer. BAM!! I rode head long into her. When i came too, my head felt like someone had played soccer with it, it was throbbing profusely. As i got to my feet, i noticed that girl lying off to the side, blood trickling from a cut on the side of her head. 

Great, i thought, I've just committed vehicular manslaughter.                                                                                                                                  But to my immense relief and surprise she sat up, groggy from the encounter with my bike, but still very much alive. I ran over to her and helped her to her feet.                                          

"Are you alright?" i asked, even though i knew the answer.

"What kinda moron comes barrelling down the street like that?!" She said, ignoring my question, "Ughhh...My head is killing me.", she adding giving me a menacing glare. Now that i had a better view of her face i wanted to kick myself, she was gorgeous, eyes the color of the ocean and so deep and blue i felt like i might lose myself if I stared to long. It was like sinking, it actually frightened me. She had hair the color of fallen leaves in winter, which she kept in a wavy pony tail that ran down to about the middle of her back. I also noticed she wore my school's uniform which, i might add, fit her body to a tee. Even though she had blood running down her face and dirt covering her clothes she still looked beautiful, like a queen of dirt.

"I'm really sorry about hitting you with my bike i was a bit distracted." I told her, speaking of which i tried to remember what the answers were to the questions for my history homework but i found i couldn't and the questions themselves were just fragments to me. 

Strange, first my Wish doesn't work and i run into her and now i can't even remember the questions or the answers to my homework? For the second time in 5 years I was dumbfounded. Whatever the case, now wasn't the time to be worrying about that, i'm late to school and i have a girl with a possible concussion. Great i wonder  what else could possible go wrong. In hindsight that probably wasn't the best thought.

" name's Leon Nobles...mind if i ask yours?" I said to her, it couldn't hurt to ask, i mean i already hit her over with my bike, you can't get much more intimate than that right?

"My name? First you run me over with your bike now you ask for my name, you work fast don't you Leon?" She retorted, "Its Janean, Janean Davis. By the way what kinda name is that, 'Leon'?" 

Well she's friendly now isn't she? Is she always this familiar to those who run her over with thier bikes? I thought.

"it's short for Leonidas, both of my parents are history buffs, and their way into Greek and Roman history. They named me after king Leonidas, one of the greatest Spartan kings, they wanted me to grow up strong, anyways, shouldn't you go to a hospital, you might have a concussion." I said, but she just shrugged me off.

"No i'm fine i just need directions to Henry High, and by the look of your uniform you probably know the way." she said, completely ignoring the fact that she had a gash on the side of her face. I tried to convince her to go to a hospital but finally we settled on going to the clinic at school. As we walked to school she talked, mostly about what a day dreaming moron I was, but also about how nice the day was, as if she didn't just get hit with a bike. Wow, she bounces back fast. I thought, but I was only half listening, instead I was trying to figure out just why the hell my Wish didn't work earlier, I didn't know it at the time, but she was the cause of it, and she was also the beginning of the end for my (some what) normal life.                                                                                                                                      

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