Chapter 2:Just What Am I?

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Janean and i got to school. Late. I escorted her to the Clinic where the nurse proceeded to checked me over, declare me 'fine' and promptly kicked me out. As i walked to class the questions and answers to my history homework suddenly rushed into my mind like water breaking through a dam, it was like something had been holding it back but buckled and finally gave way. "I wonder if Mr. Howard would take the homework if i spoke it to him" i thought optimistically. He wouldn't of course. After the exciting events of this morning i thought things had finally begun to wind down, but once again the universe decided that it wasn't done with me, and proceed to further destroy my dreams for a semi-normal life.

"OK everyone we have a new transfer student here from Atlanta Georgia, please introduce your self." Mr. Kemal, my English teacher says as Janean walks in the door. I was both excited that she was in my class and slightly uncomfortable at the same time. Why was i so uncomfortable i don't know, but something about her presence didn't sit right with me and made me feel uncomfortable, like I was being smothered, i didn't notice it when i first met her but now i felt it and it was making me squirmish.

"Nice to meet you all, my name is Janean Davis, please take care of me." She introduces herself, looking straight at me the whole time. Yet again with those all consuming blue eyes.

"Ms. Davis you can sit back by Leon. Is that fine with you Leon?" Mr. Kemal asked me, some part of me wanted to scream no but i swallowed the scream and instead said, "Fine with me."

As she sat down next to me i felt like someone had just locked me in a room with a tiger and threw away the key. why am i so nervous, she's only a girl. but something in me just didn't believe that. There was more to Janean Davis than meets the eye.

After school let out i was wiped and I just wanted to get home, unfortunately my apartment was about 5 miles from school and my bike got destroyed when i ran into Janean this morning. As i was beginning my trek home i saw, guess who, yep, her, standing at the front gates of the school, she looked at me and i knew that i would have to walk her home. As i got closer that uncomfortable aura fell on me like a thick smoke, choking me and slowly strangling the life out of me, now I was sure of it, Janean was NOT a normal girl, she was a Wishing One. That was the only explanation for what was happening to me. She was a Wishing One, i had yet to figure out what she wanted with me but it couldn't be anything good, whatever the case i planned on confronting her about it on the walk home. "Leon can you walk me home, I'm still not familiar with these streets." She asked me, staring into my very soul with her ocean blue eyes.

Without hesitation i said, in my nicest most charming voice, "Sure, no prob, it's the least i can do for running you over with my bike."

After 20 minutes of walking i wanted to jump out of my skin, i stopped mid stride and promptly blurted out, "You're a Wishing One aren't you?" She stopped and stood motionless for what seemed like ages. Crap, what kinda moron am i, what if she attacks me with her wish, or what if I'm wrong and she begins to suspect me as a Wishing one? i think to myself. It wouldn't surprise me, some people had wished for superpowers and other things, what if she was one of them? And Wishing Ones were very secretive, if their power were revealed the government would hunt them down. She turned around and, with the biggest, goofiest smile across her face said, "Was i really that obvious? Darnnit i was trying to be conspicuous." I was caught off guard, here was a Wishing One who was just unmasked, yet she was laughing about it. I began laughing with her, that awkward laugh you do when you don't know what else to do. Almost instantaneously though the suffocating pressure intensified, and i found myself on my knees flecks of red strewn across the world like bloody snowflakes. i began to fade in and out of consciousness, one second she's in front of me laughing, the next she's standing over me. Then the red flecks give way to utter darkness and i'm gone.

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