Chapter 2

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Oh wow, I actually updated in less than a week! *pats self on the back*

Fun Fact: I actually wrote this story in 6th grade. I found this in my notes on my old iPod, so I decided to share it with all of you!

Anyways, enjoy! :)

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm," said the hat in my head. "Plenty of magic talent in your hands, lots of knowledge with a witty mind as well, a strangely very, very, kind soul for a Malfoy."

"Please Slytherin," I whispered.

"Yet, afraid of her own family's disappointment for not getting in their signature house. With a mind as sharp, witty, and knowledgeable as yours, you definitely should be in Ravenclaw."

"No, please I need to be in Slytherin," I begged the hat, starting to panic.

"If that's what you truly want....SLYTHERIN!"

I went to the Slytherin table with the least applause of anyone else. 'Of course it's this way' I thought. 'Once again people think I'm just as selfish, mean, and cruel as the rest of my family.

"Potter, Harry," the room went so silent you could hear the lightest tap on the table, before exploding with whispering.

He nervously walked up to the hat and it took a bit to decide, before putting him in Gryffindor. Obviously, he got the loudest applause of all. We were all excited to have the Harry Potter during our years of Hogwarts. (Not so lucky if you ask me, nothing but trouble happens while Harry is at Hogwarts, just saying)

"Thomas, Dean," became a Gryffindor, and, "Turpin, Lisa," became a Ravenclaw.

"Weasley, Ron," became a Gryffindor. I remember my father telling us that the Weasleys were nothing but a poor family with too many mouths to feed. My brother did insult one while we were at Diagon Alley, but I didn't, I thought that they were very nice people, but my father taught us otherwise.

Then the Headmaster, the great Albus Dumbledore, stood up, "Welcome to Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!

I let out a small chuckle, that is something I would say. Looking down, I realized that there was a huge feast right in front of me. Taking some roasted chicken, fries, bacon, and sausage, I sat back down and began eating.

As I got through about 1/4 the way through my plate, I realized that in between the distance my brother and I sat away from each other, a ghost appeared. At first I jumped, but then I examined the ghost for a few seconds before saying, "You're the Bloody Baron, correct?"

"Yes, and you are?"

"Piper Malfoy, this is my brother Draco."

My brother started taking to the ghost before he said a very insulting comment that made the ghost almost bite his head off, before he flew to talk to other people.

"You really shouldn't be so rude to the ghosts, they have more knowledge than everyone here."

"Yeah suurrreee,"

I rolled my eyes and noticed that dessert was served. Grabbing just a doughnut and a block of ice cream, I waited for the next part of the ceremony.

Dumbledore got to his feet again, "First years should note dark forest is forbidden to everyone." He looked at the Weasley twins. "No magic is to be used between classes in the corridors. Quidditch trials are being held in the second week of the term, anyone interested should contact Madam Hooch. Finally, this year, the 3rd floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death."

'.......... okay then'

We then sang the school song with the Weasley twins singing it to a slow funeral march.

"Off you trot!"

The Slytherin house made their way down to the dungeons the head prefect said the password, "Sidewinder," and the stone wall we were facing said open.

I looked around the common room. It was very green, had a big window which showed the giant squid in the lake, a fireplace with comfy couches and chairs, and a chandelier.

Once in my dorm, I didn't bother socializing at all. I was way too excited for our first classes tomorrow. It took a while but I eventually fell to sleep...

I felt that this whole chapter was cringe! Though I was reading The Sorcerer's Stone while I was writing this, to make sure it matched up. I did take out a few direct quotes, those belong to JK Rowling.

Let me know what you think! Leave some suggestions, because I have no idea what to write next XD bye for now 👋🏼

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2017 ⏰

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