He did it again. Once again, he stabbed me in the back; traitor. I cannot trust him, yet I tell him my secrets. I know he is a liar; i still give him chances for redemption.
No one can build immunity to people's harsh or revealing words; but tolerance can be built.
I have nearly brokendown just thinking about his capabilities. Thoughts about what they can do, or what they have done, can leave a greater scar. When they pierce you with everything but and object; they throw deception as knives at your heart. Allies are scarce in a world consumed by deception; shields surrounding you, protecting you from persecution. Tears may be littering the paved, deserted street you now trek, but you are not alone. You can reach the others, all you have to do is last; build tolerance. Endure the perils, my friends; you will see a day of comfort soon.