Chapter 4

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Today was Sunday. I was still shocked about last night. It was one of the best days of my life. He is so sweet and he's my best friend. But now he's not just my best friend, he's my boyfriend. I'm kind of scared because sometimes we fight and if we fight bad, it could end our relationship an friendship. I just hope it doesn't turn out like that.

I woke up after checking my twitter and instagram and took a shower. After my shower, I did my hair, brushed my teeth, and put on some make up. I headed downstairs for breakfast when I saw Cameron was there.

"Hey what's going on?" I ask surprised he was over so early.

"Hey..." he said very depressed

"What's wrong?"

"My mom died of a heart attack last night." He said

I stood there in shock and looked at him with huge eyes. My eyes started to break out in tears. His mother was like a second mother to me. Cameron lived with only his mom so I couldn't imagine what he was going through.

"Oh my gosh babe I'm so sorry" I said crying

"It's ok I just miss her so much. It's like I just lost part of me" he said "I have some good news and bad news thought"

"What is it?" I ask curiously

"I have to move in with my dad and he lives in Michigan, but we have another month before I go to spend together." He said

My heart dropped. I couldn't imagine not having Cameron here with me everyday. It's like I just lost part of me. We finally get together and now he's just leaving like that. I was so shocked that I didn't know what to say. I stood there with the saddest look on my face.

"I'm so sorry mary" he said

"It's not your fault. I want you to do what's best for you. Don't worry about me I'm here for you right now." I said

Inside I was so sad and depressed, but I didn't want to be selfish. I mean Cameron just lost his mother. There is no way I could be selfish right now. I went and gave him the biggest hug and kiss. I asked him if he wanted to come into my room and we could watch some tv to get his mind off things. He agreed and we started upstairs. I got some snacks and some drinks and I met him upstairs. I felt so bad for him. I tossed him a snack and a bottle of water. We say next to each other on my bed. We put it the movie The Heat. I snuggled y head into his shoulder. We sat with each other for about 3 hours and it was getting kinda late.

"I'm gonna go home" he said

"Are you sure you don't wanna stay here for the night?" I asked

"No my grandmas at the house and she wants me home." he said tiredly

"Oh ok baby I'll see you tomorrow ok?"

"For sure honey goodnight beautiful. Get a good night sleep tonight" he said back

"I will. see ya"

"Bye honey" Cameron said

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