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Joy and Fear had been together for a few years now. They always did everything together. They were never apart. They loved every second of each other's company. Joy was happier than joy itself when she was with him. Joy made Fear feel safe and she filled him with overflowing happiness. Riley was in a car with her family on their way to one of Riley's hockey games...

When suddenly the screen went black...

The emotions were struck with an electrical laser from the control panel...

And a monstrous earthquake shook all of Riley's mind...

A huge chunk of long-term memory crumbled and fell into the dump...

All of the emotions woke up with splitting headaches...

They slowly got up and walked back to the control panel as they held their heads in pain.

Riley woke up and found herself in the hospital...

The emotions were so confused and could not remember what had happened.

A woman walked in and looked at Riley compassionately. Riley looked at her confused.

All of the emotions were just as confused as she was. They all looked at each other confused. Joy and Fear looked at each other for a bit...

They thought maybe something had happened between them... but couldn't remember... they no longer felt as happy as they used to be... they couldn't remember ever having a romantic bond...

Joy looked up at the woman carefully as she slowly began to remember who the woman was...

She was Riley's mother.

Joy looked down at the console like she hadn't seen it in ages... she pressed a button and watched the screen as Riley began to smile at her mother.

Joy smiled as well...

And then she began to vaguely remember something else...

She turned to Fear who was also remembering...

Joy slowly smiled at him. "Fear..."

Fear saw that he and Joy were recalling the same memory...

Fear began to smile. "Joy..."

Joy immediately ran to him and pulled him close into a passionate kiss.

Fear wrapped his arms around her and returned the kiss as he felt Joy's tears fall onto his cheek..

They kissed for what seemed like a glorious eternity...

Until they heard a crash.

The glass from the window inside Riley's hospital room shattered and flew in every direction...

The emotions turned to the screen and watched in shock.

Riley's mom began to yell and shout in terror.

A man had crashed into their room. He had scars across his face and his facial expression showed years of pain and torture...

He looked at Riley as if she was responsible for his past...

The emotions stood frozen with horror as the man began to rush towards Riley like an angry animal. As soon as he reached her he began to pound at her and tear at her skin.

Riley screamed in pain as her mom rushed to her. She screamed and shouted at the monster as she began to attack him with everything she had.

All the emotions were still full of shock, except Fear. Fear was beyond that. He pounded on the control panel as he cried of terror...

Until once again.... the screen went black.

Another earthquake attacked Riley's mind...

But this time...

Everything began to crumble...

All of long-term memory, imagination land, dream productions, abstract thought... everything...



The pole underneath headquarters began to crack and crumble until it could no long hold up the emotion's home...

Headquarters began to tilt until it was separated from its foundation and began braking apart and falling down into the dump.

The emotions were screaming of horror as they fell down along with their home.

Joy was the first to crash into the pile of forgotten memory spheres.

Disgust, Anger, and Sadness then fell along with some parts of Headquarters. Joy looked at them still shocked and startled at what has happened. She turned her head to watch Fear have a hard landing into rock-hard memory spheres. Joy was just about to rush over to him...

Until a huge chunk of headquarters landed directly on top of him and went through his stomach...

Joy immediately rushed to him while screaming in sorrow. She cried as she attempted to pull the monster-sized piece of headquarters off of her beloved and motionless partner...

Joy tried to pull it off of him with everything she had... but it wouldn't budge...

She wouldn't give up. She pushed and pulled and banged on it with all her might...

Until Fear's particles began to separate from the rest of him and float into the air...

Joy immediately froze with horror as she realized what was happening. "n-nO-NO!!"

She frantically tried to grab his particles and somehow piece them back into her beloved Fear. She watched in tears as all of Fears particles slowly floated up into the air and disappeared.

Fear was gone.

Joy fell on her face and cried with everything she had left.

The other emotions slowly began to fade away as well. First, Disgust, then Anger, then Sadness...

Until only Joy was left. She looked up from her grief and looked around with her eyes still filled with tears. She looked around with even more sorrow as she realized all of her friends were gone as well...

She began to wonder why...and what...

What...just happened?

Why did this happen?

Where's Riley now?

Is she dead?

Is it all over?

Will I ever see Fear or my friends again...?

She kept asking questions until she felt that something wasn't right... she slowly looked down with confusion...

It was her turn to disappear...

She watched in shock as all her particles began to float away... until finally the last of her was no longer there...

Riley's mind was silent...

Until it faded away into darkness...

Riley was gone.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2017 ⏰

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