Chapter 9

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Dedication to: fangirlsandfeels for being my first person to comment :)

Chapter 9

"Congratulations Hermione! You are pregnant." Those words shot through Hermione like bullets. She was pregnant. Hermione Granger was pregnant. She was speechless, she had an urge to cry but she wouldn't in front of the doctor.

"Thank you." Hermione whispered. "How much do I owe you?"

"20 galleons." The doctor said looking at her papers. Hermione paid the lady and walked out of the doctors office, she felt tears prickling at the back of her eyes. She ran to the bathroom and started bawling. She heard the bathroom door open and looked up to see a blonde woman with gray eyes.

"You okay Hun?" Asked the woman as she went to a crying Hermione.

"No! I'm pregnant!" She yelled and started crying even harder.

The lady pulled Hermione into a hug.

"How old are you?" Asked the lady.

"I just turned 18!" Hermione said, still bawling.

After the lady had calmed Hermione down a bit, she gave Hermione her address, apparently that woman was a baby doctor and she could deliver baby's at a cheap cost.

Hermione walked out of the entrance doors, her eyes red and puffy and apparated straight to Harry and Ginny's flat.

Knock knock knock

Harry answered, he didn't work on Thursdays. He looked worried when he saw Hermione's eyes red and puffy.

"Hermione, what's wrong?!" He asked, bringing her inside and she started crying again. Ginny, who was siting on the couch jumped up to help Harry with Hermione.

"Hermione! What's wrong? Does it have to do with your hospital visit?" Ginny asked, her eyes wide with fear that Hermione was sick or something. Hermione nodded at Ginny's question and Ginny started talking frantically. "Are you sick?! What's wrong? Please tell me your okay!" Hermione was lost for words and Harry ran to get her water. She took a sip and then found her voice.

In between sobs she managed to tell them. "I'm-pre-pregnant!" She started bawling even more. Ginny looked relieved and Harry looked horrified.

"That's great! Isn't it?" Ginny questioned.

"Wait you and Fred-when did you-I mean- well- it's Fred's?" Harry asked, lost for words. Hermione just nodded and took another sip of her water.

"Well, I'm pregnant too!" Ginny beamed but Harry looked at her in a this-is-not-the-time look and she hung her head.

"I need to tell you guys something....umm Friday night Ron and I... We we we umm slept together...." Hermione had managed to tell them and Ginny gasped and Harry put his head in his hands.

"What?!" Ginny exclaimed, looking at Hermione like she killed someone. "You... You cheated on my brother with my brother? Fred loves you Hermione, I can see it in his eyes! Ron doesn't care a bit about you!" Ginny was getting up and pointing a finger at Hermione now. "Do you know how hard things have been for Fred lately and know you cheat on him after he finally gets to be with the girl he had always liked!"

"Ginny, calm down..." Harry tried to settle her down.

"NO!" Ginny was now yelling at Harry too. "He doesn't deserve this after what he has been through and she doesn't deserve him! Get out now!" She turned back to Hermione and Hermione looked half hurt half appalled and her mouth was hanging half way open. "Now!" Hermione got up and started crying and was about to leave the flat when Ginny started talking to her again. "Do you still love him? Ron?" Ginny asked, looking for a true answer as she looked into Hermione's red eyes and Hermione looked back into Ginny's furious eyes.

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